
#8 Issue with wget script and http port



I am running into an issue when executing the wget script that was generated in RAMADDA. Here is an example of a portion of the wget script that is currently not working:

wget -O "wind_250_d01_f09.png" "

When I execute this, it hangs on this message and then times out:

Connecting to||:8080... failed: Connection timed out.

However, when I manually take out the http port (:8080) in the script, my wget commands work as expected, for example:

wget -O "wind_250_d01_f09.png" "

Do you now of any settings I can change to make the wget commands work without timing out?

Thank you for your continued help!
Michelle Harrold


Support Requests: #8


  • Jeff McWhirter

    Jeff McWhirter - 2013-07-15

    Hi Michelle,

    This is (sortof) a problem with RAMADDA that I will fix. RAMADDA is generating an absolute URL, e.g. http://hostname:port/..
    It should use the hostname and the port that the request is coming in on. Instead it is using the port specified in the Admin->Settings page.

    For now, just set the HTTP port in
    Admin-Settings->Site and Contact Info
    to 80 (assuming its set to 8080)


  • Jeff McWhirter

    Jeff McWhirter - 2013-07-15

    Hi again,

    I think I misspoke about the port but I think I know what is going on.

    RAMADDA does not use the HTTP port set in the Admin pages when constructing the absolute URL, it does use the url and hostname of the incoming request. That said, I am guessing you are running with an Apache front-end proxying to a Tomcat backend running on port 8080. The problem is that the port that Tomcat sees on the request is 8080, the port that Apache talks to. That port is not available directly though.

    So, RAMADDA uses 8080 instead of 80.

    I need to fix this but I need to think about it a bit. A couple of possible quick fixes on your end -
    allow access directly to Tomcat on 8080
    use modjk to connect Apache to Tomcat directly - this preserves the incoming host name and port. In general, this is probably the best way to run Tomcat anyways as it allows for better usage logs in Tomcat


  • Adam Carheden

    Adam Carheden - 2013-08-12


    We do indeed proxy tomcat via Apache, but both mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp result in wget URLs being generated with :8080. As you stated, ajp should preserve the port from the proxy server (available via getServerPort() per my reading of, so I suspect RAMADDA may be doing something other than calling getServerPort() when generating self-referencing URLs for the wget scripts.

    If it helps, RAMADDA does correctly preserve the hostname. Apache hits ajp://localhost:8080 but the wget URLs have the correct domain name rather than 'localhost', so RAMADDA must be calling getServerName() somewhere.

    I have a temporary fix in place on our site, but please let me know whether or not you agree that this is a (potentially fixable) RAMADDA problem. I'd prefer to eliminate the not-standard Apache gymnastics of my fix so it doesn't silently and unexpectedly break on us in the future when we upgrade or change things and neglected to re-apply that fix.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Jeff McWhirter

    Jeff McWhirter - 2013-08-13

    Hi Adam,

    Sorry for the Apache gymnastics.

    Ramadda does use HttpServletRequest.getServerName() and getServerPort().
    I'm not sure why it isn't picking up the right port. I've seen some bug reports from some years ago about this with jboss and jetty. Maybe there is a problem in Tomcat?

    I've added some logging on the wget request to print out the serverport and the localport.

    I'm traveling this week with spotty internet connectivity. When I return I will get a new release. Hopefully the logging will shed some light on the problem


  • Adam Carheden

    Adam Carheden - 2013-08-13


    Great!. I even tried adding proxyPort=80 to my tomcat <connector> which
    should, in theory, force those calls to return 80.

    We're running Tomcat 7.0.41. Nothing in the 7.0.42 release notes jumps
    out at me as being a potential fix, and I suspect a Tomcat bug would
    affect lots of folks and get fixed quickly, so either something in my
    config or something in RAMADDA seems more likely in my mind.

    Thanks for being willing to work with us on it. I'll be glad to throw up
    the new release and help figure out the root cause when it's available.


    Adam Carheden

    On 08/13/2013 08:00 AM, Jeff McWhirter wrote:

    Hi Adam,

    Sorry for the Apache gymnastics.

    Ramadda does use HttpServletRequest.getServerName() and getServerPort().
    I'm not sure why it isn't picking up the right port. I've seen some bug
    reports from some years ago about this with jboss and jetty. Maybe there
    is a problem in Tomcat?

    I've added some logging on the wget request to print out the serverport
    and the localport.

    I'm traveling this week with spotty internet connectivity. When I return
    I will get a new release. Hopefully the logging will shed some light on
    the problem


    [support-requests:#8] Issue with wget
    script and http port

    Status: open
    Created: Mon Jul 15, 2013 03:03 PM UTC by Michelle Harrold
    Last Updated: Mon Aug 12, 2013 06:13 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody


    I am running into an issue when executing the wget script that was
    generated in RAMADDA. Here is an example of a portion of the wget script
    that is currently not working:

    wget -O "wind_250_d01_f09.png"

    When I execute this, it hangs on this message and then times out:

    Connecting to||:8080... failed:
    Connection timed out.

    However, when I manually take out the http port (:8080) in the script,
    my wget commands work as expected, for example:

    wget -O "wind_250_d01_f09.png"

    Do you now of any settings I can change to make the wget commands work
    without timing out?

    Thank you for your continued help!
    Michelle Harrold

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    Support Requests: #8

  • Jeff McWhirter

    Jeff McWhirter - 2013-09-23

    Hi Adam,
    Sorry for the delay. I have just made a new 1.5b release or Ramadda:

    Why don't you try to install this (don't forget to install the new allplugins.jar).

    There is a entry point:

    that will show what the HttpServletRequest has for the server name and port

    Hopefully this will shed some light on the port and server name problems with the Apache/Tomcat connection


  • Jeff McWhirter

    Jeff McWhirter - 2013-11-04

    Are you folks still having the problem with the absolute URLs in the wget script in RAMADDA? If so the latest 1.5b has a workaround available. In the Admin->Settings->Site and Contact Information you can specify a hostname/port (which you may have already) but you can also now check off the "Use the fixed hostname:port in absolute URLs instead of the request's info" box. This will have RAMADDA use the given hostname/port when constructing absolute URLS and it will not use the HttpServletRequest hostname/port


  • Adam Carheden

    Adam Carheden - 2013-11-04


    Thanks for the fix. I'll put that in next time we upgrade.

    Also, sorry I never got around to testing the code you sent, but looks
    like you figured out what was happening anyway. Thanks for the great


    Adam Carheden

    On 11/04/2013 05:42 AM, Jeff McWhirter wrote:

    Are you folks still having the problem with the absolute URLs in the
    wget script in RAMADDA? If so the latest 1.5b has a workaround
    available. In the Admin->Settings->Site and Contact Information you can
    specify a hostname/port (which you may have already) but you can also
    now check off the "Use the fixed hostname:port in absolute URLs instead
    of the request's info" box. This will have RAMADDA use the given
    hostname/port when constructing absolute URLS and it will not use the
    HttpServletRequest hostname/port


    [support-requests:#8] Issue with wget
    script and http port

    Status: open
    Created: Mon Jul 15, 2013 03:03 PM UTC by Michelle Harrold
    Last Updated: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:49 AM UTC
    Owner: nobody


    I am running into an issue when executing the wget script that was
    generated in RAMADDA. Here is an example of a portion of the wget script
    that is currently not working:

    wget -O "wind_250_d01_f09.png"

    When I execute this, it hangs on this message and then times out:

    Connecting to||:8080... failed:
    Connection timed out.

    However, when I manually take out the http port (:8080) in the script,
    my wget commands work as expected, for example:

    wget -O "wind_250_d01_f09.png"

    Do you now of any settings I can change to make the wget commands work
    without timing out?

    Thank you for your continued help!
    Michelle Harrold

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

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    Support Requests: #8

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