
#185 'Adjust start time' strange behavior

Day view (31)

Rachota 2.4 build #111229:
The 'Adjust start time' functionality does not work correctly if the start time is moved backwards.

1) I move the start time from 8.00 am to 7.00 am. The system adjusts the start time and adds a 'Day start time adjustment' activity and adds one hour to this activity.
2) I now move the start time back to 8.00 am. The system adjusts the start time as expected but does not modify the time value of the 'Day start time adjustment' activity.

Expected behavior would be to set the time value of the 'Day start time adjustment' activity back to zero.

I understand that providing a general solution is difficult here as Rachota does not seem to support negative time values. However, the current behavior is surprising to the user.


  • Sheldon

    Sheldon - 2011-12-31
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cesilko
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • labels: --> Diary database
  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2012-01-01

    Well, I understand that it's confusing but as you correctly figured it out there is no ideal solution to this problem. I can fix this isolated case i.e. to remove the hour from the "Day start time adjustment" task but what should it do when:
    1. there is no such task and you for instance shift start time from 7:00 to 8:00?
    2. there is such task with 1 hour and you shift start time from 7:00 to 9:00?
    In my opinion the current implementation solves vast majority of cases when users forget to start Rachota in the morning.

  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2020-02-22
    • labels: Diary database --> Day view
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: --> 2.0
  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2020-02-22

    Improved adjustment task creation logic when updating start time. Now the task is removed when new duration should be negative or its duration is updated depending on the time change. The bug is fixed in Rachota 2.4 build #200222.


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