
#27 Bring back PBEM option

Next Release (wbn)
Other (3)

The Play By E-Mail multiplayer option was disabled in RIS for copyright reasons (it includes a serial library we don't have rights to distribute). Michael tells me it should be reasonably easy to add back. PBEM is the one area where BARIS is still better than RIS, and I'd like to see that fixed if possible. As it is, there are no long-distance methods for playing the game.

I've attached the transcript of my chat session with Michael where we discuss what would be involved.

* RIS offers only hotseat, and while BARIS did offer a play by Modem option, it didn't work in Windows


  • Leon Baradat

    Leon Baradat - 2012-03-06

    Transcript of chat session re. PBEM

  • Leon Baradat

    Leon Baradat - 2012-04-17
    • priority: 3 --> 5
  • Leon Baradat

    Leon Baradat - 2013-07-29
    • Group: --> Next_Release_(example)
    • Priority: 5 --> 7
  • Leon Baradat

    Leon Baradat - 2013-11-15
    • Group: Unspecified --> Next Release (wbn)

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