
#69 Autosave

Game logic (37)
Jason G.

So there are two things I notice with the Auto Save functionality.

The first is that the autosave does not retain the mission schedule if you are about to launch. If you revert to your autosave after your launch, things like the vehicle assembly information is retained, along with all the other changes made during the turn (R&D, Astronaut selections and assignments, new missions etc), but the schedule is not retained. Not a big problem, just a little annoying.

Now for the second issue. For the sake of this explanation, assume I have 0MB at the and of the previous turn. I am in the Fall of '62, and a company decided to credit me some money during the newscast, say 10MB. I complete the turn, and decide to revert back to my autosave, and again I am credited by a generous company, say 7MB this time. Instead of now having 7MB in the bank, I now have 17MB, and I can continue to revert to the autosave and eventually build a nice stack of MB,


  • Jason G.

    Jason G. - 2010-09-11

    Autosave file

  • Leon Baradat

    Leon Baradat - 2010-09-11
    • priority: 5 --> 4
    • labels: --> Game logic
  • Leon Baradat

    Leon Baradat - 2010-09-11

    Interesting! I hadn't noticed that. Good, keep finding those bugs jocko.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    here is another bug too - is still add prestige (sure with negative, not sure with positve) to overal job performace - say you are positive with standing with your leaders, but if you repeat same turn over and over due to failed mission (negative prestige due to faiture) you can end up not only with very big negative standing, but you can have game over too.


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