
Qwt 5.0.1

Qwt 5.0.1 has been released.

Release 5.0.1

1. A couple of problems, when building Qwt fixed.
2. Displaying Rich Text with Qt 4.x fixed

Release 5.0.0

Support of Qt3 and Qt4. Qt2 is not supported any longer.

Key features
1. Redesign of plot items. Makes it much easier to develop individual items.
2. Redesign of the scale classes. All calculations are collected in scale engines, where the application can implement it´s own (f.e log2, or date scales). Now it´s also possible to have individual and completely irregular scales
3. Redesign of the QwtText classes. The MathML renderer of the Qt4 solutions package is embedded. work for all expressions/situations.
4. New classes for navigating: QwtPanner, QwtMaginfier
5. Spectrogram/Contour plots and other classes for displaying raster data added.

5.0.0 is by far the release with the most changes in the history of Qwt - too many to make list.

Posted by Uwe Rathmann 2007-02-26

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