
Quoters Choice - Quote Database / News: Recent posts

Version 0.7

Because of an security-leak in QC 0.6 I've decided to release a new version of QuotersChoice.
Besides a few new features this release introduces mainly structural changes. For example the style is splitted into two files for easier customisation of colors. On the other hand there are structural PHP-changes in progress, that are also part of this release.

Here is the latest changelog:

Version 0.7
- ADDED: experimental graph-rendering using Google-Chart
- ADDED: possibility to display a message below the form for new quote-submissions
- CHANGED: improved anonymisation on multiple anonymisations in one quote
- CHANGED: default language is now english
- CHANGED: improved some database-queries and database-layout
- CHANGED: configuration now also supports key-removal (used in migration)
- CHANGED: splitted style into layout and colors, for easier re-coloring
- CHANGED: re-organized code-structure (more Object-Oriented now)
- FIXED: svggraph did display wrong values on long time periods
- FIXED: any editor-user was able to eval code (Critical)
- FIXED: cookie-id's could be assigned twice in rare circumstances

Posted by Auron_X 2009-10-16

Short note on project activity

Just for your information. I started working on QC again and I am doing some inner restructuring at the moment (including fixes for some bugs). When done with that there will be a new release I think. Don't know how many new features will go into the project until then. But development goes on.

Posted by Auron_X 2009-10-11

QuotersChoice 0.6 released

Today we released QuotersChoice 0.6!
One of the main targets was a better usability, new users will see a new install-script, that guides them through the first setup-steps.

If there are any users from the 0.4 release: There is a migration-script included, that should - if everything works fine - convert your old database to the new layout. See the release notes for details on that.
If any problems occur don't hesitate to contact us.... read more

Posted by Auron_X 2009-05-15

next release within the next weeks

Just wanted to put a note, that development still goes on for QuotersChoice and we made some good approaches towards usability.
Especially the first install will become much easier and we are currently working on a documentation for QC.

There will also be some new features, such as OpenID-support.
We have also started to make the design more IE-compliant and reworked some bad css-code.

I hope to get the next release ready within 3-6 weeks.

Posted by Auron_X 2009-04-29

First Preview of QuotersChoice

Today we have released a first preview-version of QuotersChoice.
It is called version 0.4 because QuotersChoice has grown very well since the first Revision on SourceForge.

The only thing that has not grown so well is the documentation. Thatswhy we call it preview, it is fully usable, but for someone foreign to the project maybe hard to understand.

You may give it a try if you want to.
What you can do in 0.4:
* submit quotes
* approve/reject quotes (based on users permissions)
* edit/delete quotes (based on users permissions)
* restore edited/deleted quotes (based on users permissions)
* use a basic user management
* vote for quotes (can be captcha-protected)
* read a rss-feed for new quotes

Posted by Auron_X 2009-02-20