
QuickType / News: Recent posts

Palm OS5 - Call for help

I have uploaded quicktype for Palm OS5. Since I cannot test this myself, I would like to hear from you, if you test it and can report either success or failure.

But: this is UNTESTED ALPHA software.

Don't install it, if you can't afford to loose your data or if you depend on your Palm for everyday use.

Posted by Olaf Dietsche 2003-04-05

Quicktype 2.1.0 beta started

New beta started. New features include:

New special keys.
Key/-board size is configurable.

Posted by Olaf Dietsche 2002-10-06

Quicktype 2.0.0 released.


485295: Expanding quicktype area. Now 13 columns are available.
501741: changing keys asiignment. You can define and use multiple keyboards.
528533: cursor movement via quicktype. Many special keys can be configured.
594901: A simple XML-pdb converter was added.
598980: Tap to run arbitrary app. Many special keys can be configured.


583850: Circumflex accent
593967: Quicktype 1.5.3 Problems with "Umlaute"
602848: Keyboard too tall for Sony Cli. A Sony version - with smaller keyboard height - is provided.

Posted by Olaf Dietsche 2002-09-16

Quicktype 1.5.3 released.

Minor features:

Request 555746: m50x: an option to disable the clock spot in the silk area has been added.
Request 574105: A Right to left writing option has been added.

Minor bugfixes:

Bug 540598: labels were added to the entry fields in key assignment dialog.
Bug 575220: the Fatal Alert on using Quicktype before configurating has been fixed.
Bug 575719: changed keyboards will be backuped on hotsync.

Posted by Olaf Dietsche 2002-07-04

Quicktype 1.5.2 released.

Minor bug fixes.
A fix for bug #540924 (part 2) was added: up-rigt stroke does up-char + space now. A fix for bug #434005 was added: incompatibility with MegaDocs fixed. Support request #434004 and feature #542336 were added: new vertical keyboard overlays and overlay sheets with various sizes.

Posted by Olaf Dietsche 2002-05-05

Quicktype 1.5.1 released.

Fixed bug 538057 (Quicktype doesn't work on some dialogs).

Posted by Olaf Dietsche 2002-04-01

Quicktype 1.5.0 released.

Made some cleanup and reduced size requirements.
Configure and preferences dialogs were
reorganized. Capitalization should work now with
non-ISO8859. Added configurable confirmation click
when letter recognised.

Posted by Olaf Dietsche 2002-03-20