
QuickREx Regular Expressions / News: Recent posts

QR supports JBuilder 2007

JBuilder 2007 is now based on the Eclipse-Framework. You can thus use QuickREx with JBuilder 2007 - installation is as described for Eclipse. QuickREx was tested with JBuilder 2007 'Turbo' under WinXP, but should work with all editions on all supported platforms.

In case you have trouble using the combination please let me know under info at bastian-bergerhoff dot com.

Posted by Bastian Bergerhoff 2007-06-13

New Version released

QuickREx 3.5.0 is out now, slightly changing the GUI and adding an edit-dialogue for regular expressions. Check out the site or just download and try!

Posted by Bastian Bergerhoff 2007-06-07

Problems with Java-Version fixed...

Unfortnuately, the plugin in version 3.2.0 as well as the standalone app in version 1.0.0 where compiled under Java 5 - and thus needed Java 5 to run.

This is fixed with plugin version 3.2.1 and the app in version 1.0.1.

Please update/reinstall in case you experienced any trouble with the older versions.

I am sorry for this...

Cheers, Bastian

Posted by Bastian Bergerhoff 2006-11-08

Initial Release of QuickREx-Application

Release 1.0.0 of the QuickREx-Application is done and can be downloaded from SF.

The Application runs on Win32-Systemsn (such as Windows XP) and builds on the Eclipse rich client platform.

Download the zip, unpack, and check it out!

Posted by Bastian Bergerhoff 2006-11-05


Currently, QuickREx is being migrated to sourceforge. QuickREx is already released in Version 3.1 and we are working on a new Version as well as a standalone-application for people not using Eclipse. Once this is done, everything will be moved to sourceforge. For now, check the Web Site to view docs and download the plugin or the source.

Posted by Bastian Bergerhoff 2006-10-26