
#21 possibility to export the netlist from qucs


I wanted to use qucsator for multiple simulations driven by the Python or Octave script.
However I have faced a few problems. Qucs stores data in the "sch" XML-like format, while qucsator accepts only the netlists.
The only way (known to me) to extract the netlist is to run the simulation in Qucs, and then to view the "last used netlist" (or just to copy it from /home/user/.qucs/netlist.txt).
Is there any way to allow qucsator to retrieve data from the sch file, or to export the netlist from qucs?
It would be also nice to allow qucsator to override parameters defined in the netlist with the command line options (eg with something like "-D BETA=200"). Now I have to put the netlist through sed or awk to find the parameter's definition and change it...


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Here is the script, which I have prepared for running qucsator with netlist with modified parameters:
    It makes something similar to "sweep parameters" analysis, but also allows to do something much more powerful -
    we could run analysis in closed loop, where the results of analysis are processed by the Python script,
    and then used to set new values of the parameters...

  • Richard C

    Richard C - 2013-07-02

    I'm looking into doing this from the GUI as I would really quite like this feature myself.


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