
qucsator does not finish

  • Sergey Ivanov

    Sergey Ivanov - 2014-11-24

    I just add resistor to l-c tank from simple example.
    Transient simulation not work.

    $qucsator -b -p LCr_prj -i netlist.txt
    project location:
    modules to load: 0
    factorycreate.size() is 0
    factorycreate has registered:
    parsing netlist...
    checking netlist...
    netlist content
          1 Switch instances
          1 C instances
          1 L instances
          2 R instances
          1 Vdc instances
          1 TR instances
    creating netlist...
    [**************                          ] 33.33%

    Nothing changes then.

    This is the netlist:

    # Qucs 0.0.18  /Users/seiv/.qucs/LCr_prj/one.sch
    Vdc:V1 _net0 gnd U="1 V"
    C:C1 gnd Mid C="1 uF" V=""
    Switch:S1 _net0 _net1 init="on" time="[1 us]" Ron="0" Roff="1e12" Temp="26.85" MaxDuration="1e-6"
    R:R1 _net1 Out R="0.1 Ohm" Temp="26.85" Tc1="0.0" Tc2="0.0" Tnom="26.85"
    L:L1 gnd Out L="10 nH" I=""
    .TR:TR1 Type="lin" Start="0" Stop="10 us" Points="3" IntegrationMethod="Trapezoidal" Order="2" InitialStep="1 ns" MinStep="1e-16" MaxIter="150" reltol="0.001" abstol="1 pA" vntol="1 uV" Temp="26.85" LTEreltol="1e-3" LTEabstol="1e-6" LTEfactor="1" Solver="CroutLU" relaxTSR="no" initialDC="yes" MaxStep="0"
    R:R2 Out Mid R="1 Ohm" Temp="26.85" Tc1="0.0" Tc2="0.0" Tnom="26.85"

    Last edit: Sergey Ivanov 2014-11-24
  • Sergey Ivanov

    Sergey Ivanov - 2014-11-24

    When i set R1 = 0.3 Ohm or more, it works.

    May be this is something internal, related to floating point precision in simulation arithmetics…

  • Richard C

    Richard C - 2014-11-24

    You're guessing about right. There are some issues with switching circuits in Qucs. You might also try reducing Roff to, say, 1e9 and see if this helps.

  • Sergey Ivanov

    Sergey Ivanov - 2014-11-24

    Indeed with Roff value 1e9 simulation work for R1 = 0.1 Ohm.

    Thank you. This is the grain of experience for the future.


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