
#5 OS X fullscreen Gamma issue


On OS X, when game enters fullscreen, after a few seconds, or intermittently,
game gets dark suddenly, and remains dark until game is exitted.
While dark, if you go to Brightness control and touch the slider, it instantly reverts to correct brightness again... for a while anyway.

Damn annoying thing no-one seems to know much about.

Building SDL and quakespasm the traditional unix way ( seems to get around it.

Baker reckons:

Gamma bug.
Is a major reason why I ditched hardware gamma in Mark V. It stupidly affects Windows and OS X. I wrote tons of code trying to catch the system event that mucks up the brightness in Windows after switching between fullscreen and windowed mode. There isn't one. Thread has some interesting infos on the topic:


  • Steven

    Steven - 2014-06-22

    No - this build doesnt help.

    I did get it compiling from the command line. We now need
    - -Wl,-framework,Cocoa
    + -Wl,-framework,Cocoa,-framework,IOKit
    to get it rolling,
    and i had to copy libGL.dylib out of Xcode libraries to /usr/local/lib

    But problem persists there, and is worse - but very interesting
    Using SDL-1.15, the whites are yellow in window and fullscreen,
    but after a coupleof seconds it gets dark, the yellow disappears

    Anyway - giving this away again. S.A.

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2014-06-22

    No - this build doesnt help.

    As I understand it the gamma issue is for 10.7 and later and I'm afraid
    the fix can only happen if we switch to sdl2. Eric has a patch for it,
    but I think it will need reviewing and testing.

    I did get it compiling from the command line. We now need
    - -Wl,-framework,Cocoa
    + -Wl,-framework,Cocoa,-framework,IOKit
    to get it rolling,

    If this is for qs Makefile.darwin, we alread have IOKit framework among
    the libs, around line 166, do we not??

  • Steven

    Steven - 2014-06-22

    No , i was using the generic Makefile.
    Makefile.darwin target when built throws "No Info.plist file in applicatino bundle or no NSPrincipalClass in Info.plist"
    Getting our only Info.plist thorws unable to find class SDLApplication

    Weekends over now :(

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2015-03-23
    • status: open --> accepted
  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2015-03-23

    This is 'fixed' by using GLSL gamma in the curent svn when opengl 2.x or newer is present. Closing.

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2015-03-23
    • labels: bad -->
    • status: accepted --> closed-fixed
    • Group: -->

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