
#158 Mixdown almost impossible!

James Stone

In the manual (0.5.0), it advises to mixdown by connecting Master Output to Master input of qtractor to record to a new mixdown track. This does not work as expected. It sounds like the audio is being recorded twice leading to a metallic edge/distortion to the mixdown track. There doesn't seem to be any way to mute output of the mixdown track to prevent it being re-introduced into the mix causing feedback. Monitor buttons have no effect. Creating a new bus for the mixdown track does not help - connecting Master out to Mixdown-bus (and using mixdown bus as the audio in/out for the mixdown track) in does not result in any audio reaching the mixdown track.


  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2015-05-02

    maybe you're making it with Track/Auto Monitor turned on and keeping the bouncing/recording track selected as current?

    btw. connecting the same bus output to its own input is not advisable ever. you may get hosed on a nasty positive feedback, especially you ever turn monitor on.

    otoh. the v0.5.0 manual is kind of outdated beyond repair:) please look into the wiki instead. and if you find anything still wrong, and you will most certainly, please ask your willingness for action--and correction--i'd welcome you to the board of wiki editors ;)


  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2015-05-02
    • status: open --> pending
  • James Stone

    James Stone - 2015-05-02

    Ah - yes. I think auto-monitor had a lot to do with it. I don't think that should be switched on by default - it's really unintuitive!!

    What is the preferred way to bounce tracks by the way? I can't see anything in the wiki.

    Also, often buses don't seem to output anything when I connect their output back to another input. I can't seem to see why this works sometimes and not others. Seems that the rerouted input sometimes appears on the mixer if I click on the monitor button.. then switching monitor on/off makes no difference - the routed signal is there.

  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2015-05-03

    in general, it is NOT advisable to connect any qtractor outputs to any of its own inputs. qtractor does run as a single jack client and thus it might suffer from so called jack's "zero-copy optimization" on port buffers.

    yes it causes the effects you say: sometimes it works (signal appears on input), some other times and cases do not (just silence)--it's deeply dependent on internal process flow and (re)creation order--so, for instance, you may get it working while on initial editing and then it stops after you (re)open the session any time later (or vice-versa).

    the issue is rather old: solution for this is either:
    a) have some other jack client connected in between desired outputs and inputs eg. a simple all-pass/0db-gain filter or bypass;
    b) export to file instead using Track/Export Tracks/Audio...

    btw. current git head (master) already does MIDI instrument track freeze in this later option b)- previously it only dealt with audio tracks exclusively.


    ps. auto-monitor is often and most convenient for single-player tracking, where you monitor (hear) the immediate results of your performance and/or rehearsal through the plugin fx chain over the current track. well, it's a lot more convenient for MIDI instrument tracks than for plain audio tracks, i reckon.


    Last edit: Rui Nuno Capela 2015-05-03
  • James Stone

    James Stone - 2015-05-03

    OK - sounds like I would be better on the bleeding edge :)

    Is there an easy way to bounce a single midi track to audio now?

    • Rui Nuno Capela

      Rui Nuno Capela - 2015-05-03

      yes. as long you solo it and/or mute all others which target same audio output bus.


  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2015-05-24
    • status: pending --> closed

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