
#138 Midifilter Plugin in MIDI Master in doesn't work with soft synths


Robin Gareus' Midifilter LV2 plugin offers lots of (sub-) plugins. A very basic one is "MIDI Chromatic Transpose" which transposes all notes.

It works fine in a MIDI track, e.g. with Hexter, both when playin the track and when playing on the keyboard.

It doesn't have any effect when used in MIDI Master in. Not when playing "live" and not when recording.

So I guess there is either a design decision or a bug regarding MIDI plugins in MIDI Master in.


  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2014-11-09

    yes, there is a trap when dealing with MIDI through plugin chains: MIDI gets in but never gets out.

    iow. you can use a midi-filter plugin to feed a MIDI instrument/synth plugin that follows in the chain, but MIDI events won't get further nor through from there: unlike audio, what gets in a MIDI plugin chain stays in the MIDI plugin chain; no matter if it's MIDI track or bus plugin chain.


  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2014-11-09
    • status: open --> pending
  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2015-02-01
    • status: pending --> closed

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