
QTads / News: Recent posts

QTads 2.1.7 has been released

Version 2.1.7 is now available. The changes since 2.1.6 are:

  • The TADS virtual machines have been updated to 2.5.17/3.1.3

  • Added support for Mac OS X high resolution (retina) displays.

  • The interpreter will now try to detect whether a game is stuck in an infinite loop when quitting. This should avoid the situation where the QTads window is closed, but a process is still running in the background, consuming CPU cycles.

  • Selecting text with the mouse is now supported, as is drag&drop of text to and from the game window. Furthermore, you can paste the current word under the mouse cursor instead of selecting it by holding down the "Ctrl" key ("Command" key on the Mac) while double clicking. This behavior can be disabled in the configuration dialog in the "Misc" section.

  • On Mac OS X, the main window should now properly get focus again when closing a dialog.

  • Text-grid banner windows should now be able to correctly show their background color instead of always using black.

  • Printing a table without any cells in it will no longer result in the screen getting "stuck" and failing to update.

  • Fixed a problem with the online update check, which would result in a a connection error, or sometimes an application crash. Thanks to Denis Pokataev for finding and fixing the crash case.

  • Added Ctrl+F command history search. It finds previous commands that begin with the same text as the text that is currently to the left of the input caret. If multiple matches are found, repeatedly pressing Ctrl+F will cycle through all matches. Thanks to tetzank for the patch.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2016-01-22

QTads 2.1.6 has been released

Version 2.1.6 is now available. This is a bug fix release. The changes since 2.1.5 are:

  • Fixed a problem where the interpreter was not able to create savegames on some systems. The problem occured most notably on MS Windows, but in general affected all systems where it's possible to have absolute paths that don't start with a path seperator ('/' or '\').
  • File handling should now be fully internationalized. File paths and filenames (saved games, transcripts, game files, etc.) should now work in any language on all systems.
  • The TADS 3 VM no longer produces the same sequence of random numbers every time the interpreter is launched.
  • For those of you who like to build QTads from source, you can now build it against Qt 5. The released binaries will still be using Qt 4 though, since it's well tested.
Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2013-01-02

QTads 2.1.5 has been released

This release updates the TADS virtual machines to 2.5.16/3.1.2.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2012-09-08

QTads 2.1.4 has been released

QTads is a multimedia interpreter for Tads games (Text Adventures, aka "Interactive Fiction"). It supports all features of the Windows-based HTML TADS interpreter. It runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and more.

Version 2.1.4 adds support for the latest TADS versions (2.5.15 and 3.1.1), includes application and file icons on Mac OS X, and corrects some minor bugs. Pre-built binaries for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows can be found at the project's homepage:... read more

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2012-08-06

QTads 2.1.1 has been released

QTads is a multimedia interpreter for Tads games (Text Adventures, aka "Interactive Fiction"). It supports all features of the Windows-based HTML TADS interpreter. It runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and more.

Version 2.1.1 provides new features as well as bug fixes and other enhancements, like support for filtered image scaling, a smarter "recent games" list and cover art image support. Pre-built binaries for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows can be found at the project's homepage:... read more

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2011-02-19

QTads 2.0.2 has been released

QTads allows you to play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS, and supports all Multimedia HTML-TADS features. It runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and more.

Version 2.0.2 is a bug-fix release (a crash at exit after playing MIDI music, correct bg/fg default colors for text-grid banners, fixed accented character input glitches, games not being able to display dialogs with buttons) along with a minor enhancement (allowing drag&dropping of game files into the interpreter window.)... read more

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2011-01-14

QTads 2.0.1 has been released

QTads allows you to play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS, and supports all Multimedia HTML-TADS features. It runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and more.

Version 2.0.1 is a bug-fix release. Some of the changes are: Digital sound fade-in, fade-out and cross-fades should work on all platforms. MP3 and WAV audio that uses odd sample rates should not be played at double speed anymore. You can now input text in any language. Decoding of MP3 audio on Windows not extremely slow anymore. The character set used for TADS 2 games in now configurable. Also, a memory leak which would not free audio data has been fixed.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2010-10-10

QTads 2.0 has been released

QTads allows you to play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS. It runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and more.

QTads 2 is a new major version, offering multimedia capabilities (HTML TADS) and is based on Qt version 4.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2010-09-28

New binaries available

New binaries for Linux and Mac are now available. Grab them while they're hot:

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2010-06-02

QTads 2 - Full multimedia support underway

QTads 2.0 is currently in development. It is based on Qt 4; version 4.6.2 is used for development, version 4.4.x is the minimum requirement. Contrary to QTads 1.x, version 2 will be a multimedia-enabled HTML Tads interpreter:

I'm hoping to have the first public release within this month.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2010-03-16

QTads 1.9 has been released

QTads allows you to play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 or Mac OS X machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games.

This is a bugfix release, fixing some annoying visual glitches as well as the "Recent Games" menu. This will probably be the last release based on Qt 3. If all goes well, QTads 2.0 will use Qt 4.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2009-06-24

QTads 1.8 has been released

QTads allows you to play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 or Mac OS X machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games.

This is a bug-fix release. Also, the Tads core has been updated to version 2.5.14/

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2009-05-26

QTads 1.7 has been released

QTads allows you to play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 or Mac OS X machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games, as well as Multimedia TADS character entities (typographical quotes and dashes, etc).

This version updates the Tads core to version 2.5.10/ and is able to run all the recently released games, provides bigger UNDO/REDO space, and is able to display information embedded in the game via a new file menu entry.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2008-03-30

QTads 1.6c has been released

QTads allows you to play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 or Mac OS X machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games, as well as Multimedia TADS character entities (typographical quotes and dashes, etc).

Version 1.6c fixes some important compatibility problems. It should now compile and run with Qt 3.1 and 3.2 again. Also, it should run on more big-endian systems (like Linux PowerPC) than it did before.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2004-12-15

QTads 1.6 has been released

QTads lets you play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 or Mac OS X machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games, as well as Multimedia TADS character entities (typographical quotes and dashes, etc).

Version 1.6 provides some new features, enhancements and many bugfixes. The most important ones are text-color support for Tads 3 games and support for the TadsVM file I/O safety levels.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2004-11-22

QTads 1.5 has been released

QTads lets you play text-adventure games (Interactive Fiction) developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 or Mac OS X machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games, as well as Multimedia TADS character entities (typographical quotes and dashes, etc).

Version 1.5 provides some new features, enhancements and many bugfixes.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2004-06-30

QTads 1.3a has been released

QTads lets you play text-adventure (Interactive Fiction) games developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games, as well as Multimedia TADS character entities (typographical quotes and dashes, etc).

Version 1.3a fixes a mistake in the last release; the "Recent Games" menu was behaving very weird (newly loaded games didn't show up until QTads was restarted). This release only fixes this bug; nothing else.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2003-09-28

QTads 1.3 has been released

QTads lets you play text-adventure (Interactive Fiction) games developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games, as well as Multimedia TADS character entities (typographical quotes and dashes, etc).

Not many changes in this version. This is mainly a bugfix-release. The only visible changes are the "Recent Games" menu and the updated Tads Virtual Machines (2.5.8/3.0.6k).

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2003-09-26

QTads 1.2 has been released

QTads lets you play text-adventure (Interactive Fiction) games developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 machine. QTads provides full Unicode support for TADS 3 games, as well as Multimedia TADS character entities (typographical quotes and dashes, etc).

QTads 1.2 includes bugfixes as well as new features and enhancements. For example, italic text is now supported. Please read the changelog for more details.

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2003-08-10

QTads 1.1 has been released

QTads lets you play text-adventure (Interactive Fiction) games developed with TADS in your Unix based X11 machine. QTads 1.1 introduces full Unicode support for TADS 3 games, as well as Multimedia TADS character entities (typographical quotes and dashes, etc).

The new version also provides support for character mapping files and is able to convert normal ASCII apostrophes to typographican ones (this feature can be disabled).

Posted by Nikos Chantziaras 2003-05-28