
qbat / News: Recent posts

dead ?

The project is dead (it seems). I have no free time now at all. And it looks like i'll be able to continue only in summer .... If someone is interesting to it: welcome to join me.

Posted by Denis Romaniko 2001-05-18

Some pleasure improvements; and first release is coming soon

Added nice feature like tool tips over incompletely visible (or not visible at all) items in the account tree (this will be done for messages list), as well as automatically resizable header columns. Added class, which will fully manage single account (not in cvs while - i'll commit it later when finish at most). So it seems that first (0.1 version) QBat release is coming near and near. It will be able to view pop3 messages on server, delivery them (all/selectively), show their contents (as HTML), and possibly save them (call Gerda :) - i still have no api to do that). That's all.

Posted by Denis Romaniko 2001-01-31

Message header information

Header added, using is simple: call setText(from, to, subject, sent, size) to fill it. As well as autohide possibility if empty and hiding on mouse double clicking.

Posted by Denis Romaniko 2001-01-23

added crash fixes

Manual changes in qbat.rc caused QBat crashing. This is fixed now. Added unique constants for all enums, so it's easier to work with them from any class. Also header tab showing short message header (From, To, Subject, Size, Received date) added and simple api to use it.

Posted by Denis Romaniko 2001-01-10