
pyscript / News: Recent posts

PyScript 0.6.1 released

Pyscript is a python module for producing high quality postscript graphics. Rather than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is programmed using python and the pyscript objects.

This is a minor release which adds the documentation source to the distribution.

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2006-06-06

Pyscript part of official Debian distribution

PyScript has been added to the "unstable" Debian tree, and will eventually be moved to the "testing" tree.

For Debian users to take advantage of this, all one needs to do is to add line like the following to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable main

Many thanks to Arnaud Fontaine for preparing the Debian package and submitting it to Debian for addition to the distribution!... read more

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2006-05-08

PyScript 0.6 released

Pyscript is a python module for producing high quality postscript graphics. Rather than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is programmed using python and the pyscript objects.

The major change in this release has been the complete rewrite of the Talk and Poster classes inside the presentation library. Associated with this are the usual bug fixes, documentation additions and minor other changes. Some details follow:... read more

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2006-04-24

PyScript 0.5 released

Pyscript is a python module for producing high quality postscript graphics. Rather than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is programmed using python and the pyscript objects.

The major change in this release is a complete rewrite of the Path object. The internals have completely changed and there have been some incompatible changes with previous versions but its now much closer to what was envisaged for the object.
Other changes are:
- C() no longer takes numerical arguments
- Path() no longer sublasses Area (this doesn't make sense really)
so the points n,ne,e ... etc are not available for this object
use either bbox() method or group and Area object with the path
- Path takes 'relative' points R(), these are the same as P() but
will be intepreted as relative to last point.
- C() takes relative control points with R(). The first is relative
the start the second to the end of the curve
- path.length returns the length of the path (local co-ord system)
- path.P(f) returns the point on the curve at fraction f of it's
- Finally added some docs for the Path object
- fixed bug with defaults for linewidth etc not being taken up
(thanks Marcus)
- Color() can now take a Hex string, eg "#FF00FF", must start with a '#'
- object reference returned from group's append, insert and reverse
This makes for convenient one liners
- Group() now has a reverse() function
- Pages now produces global BoundinBox and Orientation comments
- Fixed minor bug in Align, when passed single object

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2005-01-10

PyScript 0.4 released

Pyscript is a python module for producing high quality postscript graphics. Rather than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is programmed using python and the pyscript objects.

This release add ability to produce multipage postscript documents (hence full presentations), the postcript
is now DSC compliant, plus a bunch of other enhancements.

Posted by Alexei Gilchrist 2003-08-23