
PyScript 0.6 released

Pyscript is a python module for producing high quality postscript graphics. Rather than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is programmed using python and the pyscript objects.

The major change in this release has been the complete rewrite of the Talk and Poster classes inside the presentation library. Associated with this are the usual bug fixes, documentation additions and minor other changes. Some details follow:

- Extended and rewrote sections of the Talk() class of the 'presentation'
library (note that this is different to the 'present' library). Also more
completely documented the class in the user manual
- Implemented the use of user-defined styles for talks
- Complete rewrite of the Poster() class of the 'presentation' library; now
has a more similar interface to that of the Talk() class of the same
library. Also documented the class in the user manual
- Implemented the use of user-defined styles for posters
- More completely implemented the 'electronics' object library; documented
the objects in the user manual
- Extended the 'optics' object library and documented its usage in the
- Added some examples of usage of the 'optics' library
- Many changes in 'qi' (quantum information) library. No longer causes
error at installation :-)
- Added Arrow() convenince class ... a Path with a predefined arrowhead
- integrated Path and Arrowhead ... path now has a heads attribute which
is a list of arrowheads to draw on path
- added a tangent() method to Path that returns a unit vector tangent to
the path at a particular point
- code clean ups ... and documentation
- added an Arrowhead class
- added an iscale attribute to TeX to set initial scale (only time it's used)
makes it easy to subclass at a given scale.
- Added HAlign and VAlign convenience functions
- Align is now a class that inherits from Group
- no longer supports anchor attribute (not sure how useful this was esp as
objects can now be appended) first alignable object added forms anchor.
- the change seems mostly transparent but may break some things
- Added a Dash() object to describe postscript dashes
- fixed up examples and added a few others
- Dot() now returns a bounding box
- objects that return null BBox()'s are ignored in Alignment operations
This was chiefly to accomodate a Pause() object in talks
- Fixed bug with move and rotations commuting (thanks Adrian)
- curves can now be given just a direction at the end points (eg C(45,90)),
a "natural" curve will be chosen automatically. This is the first half
of the algorithm that Metapost uses which is really nice.
(next part is to choose curvature automatically in unspecified curves)
- last point of a closed path can be skipped (added automatically)
- P now has 'arg' attribute (in degrees), return angle of P relative to origin
- there is now a --version argument when running PyScript

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2006-04-24

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