
Password tools bundle / News: Recent posts

Project update

After a long pause, the project development is active again. :)
The project has a new member, who translated the tool into Brazilian / Portoguese. The code can be obtained via SVN. The current version 1.4 has been already checked in.

Posted by brandfall 2011-03-31

New release 1.4!

Version 1.4 of the Password tools bundle was released today. New features added and some minor bugfixes. More info can be found at the official site
Kind regards,

Posted by brandfall 2008-11-23

Sources for MONO

After a complain from freshmeat user(s), that the project is a windows only application i extracted the Generator, Analyzer and Effective Bitkey Size classes and compiled them with the MONO .NET Framework without any changes at all. You can download and view the MONO source codes and examples from the downloads section and find a little bit more in the forums on the official site.

Posted by brandfall 2008-11-10

Pwdstr Major update

After a while the windows application was rewritten entirely using Microsoft .NET Framework and now supports an encrypted password manager too and has better interface and has install and uninstall setup program. The site was also enhanced and example and documentation sections were added. Have fun!

Posted by brandfall 2007-09-07