
Puzzle Apps CMS / News: Recent posts

Back on stage v 3.2

In the past 3 years this CMS was almost frozen with no public releases. But with some development was done backstage :) and are proud to announce version 3.2
Many new improvements ware done in the CORE and modules + few new modules.
There is however one thing to remember NO PHP4 IS NOT SUPPORTED sorry!
Visit our renovated website @

Posted by DuNaMiS 2009-07-02

PuzzleApps CMS v2.2.1

Soon after the v2.2 you can download new version with fixed installation process. The proces was broken due to extra security added in all forms created and submited to the system.

Posted by DuNaMiS 2006-09-06

v2.1 is out

This is bugfix release.
There are many changes, and fixes in CORE so it can be more competible with PHP5.

Posted by DuNaMiS 2005-04-18

Version 2.0.1 is out

There are fiew bugfixes in this release, also PHP5 compatibility is restored. Module administration is improved too.

Posted by DuNaMiS 2005-01-25

v2 is online

Hi all,
v2 of the PuzzleApps CMS & AS is available for download.

The major changes and fixes are:
1. Installation wizard is completed.
2. Many bugs in administrator are fixed
3. Modules configuration
4. Platform configuration
5. Containers are completed
6. Gallery module is completed
7. *NIX like permissions system
8. User groups and special permissions ....

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-12-21

CVS release updated

Hi all,
The latest CVS release is updated with few bug fixes, improved administration, vizual zones editor and integration with the online help system.

You can expect v2 stable next week!


Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-11-27

New help system

New help system was created on:

Soon user guide will be integrated in CMS administration.


Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-11-18

Latest CVS updated

The latest CVS version is updated.

There are few changes and many fixes :)
1. Meta tag module was added.
2. The keywords JS is linked not included in the HTML.
3. Many fixes in the CORE of the system
4. Installator is working - NOTE that there is more work to be done here, but it is working, and you can do clean installation.
5. You can request data by textual ID on only object ID.
6. Moving objects is more intuitive all possible targets are listed in drop down box also zone of the object can be changed. Using move function you can deattach object from content area, and later reattach it!... read more

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-11-18

Download Latest CVS

Now you can download latest CVS vesropn from:
There are many fixes and changes since v2 alpha release.


Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-11-08

New website

You can visit Puzzle Apps CMS on his new website.

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-10-28

Puzzle Apps v2 alpha

There are a two major features added:
1. *NIX like permissions added.
2. ADODB supported as databse abstraction.

Many fixes and changes in administration interface.
In final release You can expect MSSQL support.

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-10-23

File added

File img.php added in www/images
This file is needed to create tumbnails. It caches tumbnails in www/tmp/tumbs

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-10-09

Added gallery module

Now you can download the new release of Puzzle Apps CMS.
New gallery module was added.
Few bug fixes in CORE of the system was made.

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-10-08

SQLite database fixes

This release fixes problems with sqlite database.
Now as far as I know SQLite MySql ans PostgreSQL are supported with no problems.

One DB field is renamed.
If you run live sites you will have to execute this SQL query (for Mysql):
ALTER TABLE `relations` CHANGE `order` `_order` SMALLINT(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-09-28

New release

There are many core fixes and changes in this release. Also support for PostgreSQL and SQLite is added.
Two more modules are added.
There are some problems with SQLite support, for some reson move up/down does not working.

1. CP fixes and changes
2. Add support for PostgreSQL
3. Add support for SQLite
4. Add Form2Mail module
5. Add Users area module

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-09-27

Keyword module update

New relies of keyword module.
Now keyword module is working with mot_xslt2.
It is not xhtml compliant yet.

Posted by DuNaMiS 2004-09-05