
#864 gem can't load glsl shaders (win7-

externals (234)

pd 0.43.1-extended-20120228
GEM: ver: 0.93.3
GEM: compiled: Nov 10 2011
when i try to load a shader ,for instance in examples/glsl/
i get this (the file is in the current directory ):

GEM: GLEW version 1.5.4
GEM: Start rendering
[glsl_geometry]: error reading file
[glsl_vertex]: error reading file
[glsl_fragment]: error reading file
[glsl_program]: Info_log:
[glsl_program]: Link info
No shader objects attached.
[glsl_program]: Link failed!
GL: valeur non valide

seems like the file is seen but can't be read (encoding?)


  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    cannot reproduce this.
    what is the install location of the files that cannot be opened...

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • status: open --> pending
  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-02

    all files are in:
    i know, my install of seven is on w:

  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-02
    • status: pending --> open
  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-02

    no space in path
    last time it was the problem.

    i already looked into permissions,and launching pd as administrator

  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-06

    turning verbose on gives :
    i tried gem 92.3 on the same machine works ok. since that , all versions fail (on windows)

    [glsl_fragment]: glsl_fragment Hardware Info
    [glsl_fragment]: ============================
    [glsl_fragment]: MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: 2048
    [glsl_fragment]: MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS: 8
    [glsl_fragment]: MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32
    tried W:\\pd\\extra\\Gem\\examples\\10.glsl\\tri2fan.geom and succeeded
    error: [glsl_geometry]: error reading file
    tried W:\\pd\\extra\\Gem\\examples\\10.glsl\\tri2fan.vert and succeeded
    error: [glsl_vertex]: error reading file
    tried W:\\pd\\extra\\Gem\\examples\\10.glsl\\tri2fan.frag and succeeded
    error: [glsl_fragment]: error reading file

  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-06

    did i say it's 64 bits windows 7?
    if that changes something.

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    can you read the shader-files with [textfile]?

  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-06

    i can read the shader file from notepad ,or notepad++

    i tried this :

    |read tri2fan(
    i get this :
    tried W:\\pd\\extra\\Gem\\examples\\10.glsl\\tri2fan.geom and succeeded

    then i bang the |textfile|
    and get no output.
    so the problem is in handling of text files.
    so i tried
    text3d help works-
    example in / stuctures /6. file.pd works-
    qlist works-



  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-06

    fogot to precise now its pd 42.5 with gem 93.3

  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-06

    textfile example works if i rewind .... of course.

    but .. i tried it on the shader file and it works bizarrely.
    i had a freeze of pd. i will reboot now just to be sure nothing stays in the graphics card memory and i will retry...

    ok windows booted ok :-)

    what happened is:
    i loaded the shader into textfile , then rewind -then bang the textfile-
    printout is void main()
    then immediate freeze (patch windows freezed -menus react ok but no action (quit doesnt work,can't save..--help browser works but won't open a patch)

    i tried both |read shader( and |read shader cr( same effect.
    i tried other shader files too .

    then i kill pd (and restart it because i like it )

    and i test other things that fail :
    example patch 10. glsl/ 01.simple texture (direct freeze )

    event viewer doesn't say a lot .:W:\pd\bin\wish85.exe

    0000: 54 00 6F 00 70 00 20 00 T.o.p. .
    0008: 6C 00 65 00 76 00 65 00 l.e.v.e.
    0010: 6C 00 20 00 77 00 69 00 l. .w.i.
    0018: 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 n.d.o.w.
    0020: 20 00 69 00 73 00 20 00 .i.s. .
    0028: 69 00 64 00 6C 00 65 00 i.d.l.e.
    0030: 00 00 00 00 ....

    i know windows port is not the priority but if pd works ok it will bring a lot of people to opensource coding. i hope.
    i use it on ubuntu linux and tried it on osx. but windows port needs some polishing.

    I wish i could help more.
    please tell me if i can test things i will .

  • Hans-Christoph Steiner

    • assigned_to: nobody --> zmoelnig
  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-12

    it looks like there is some strange behaviour in textfile (and shader loading when the text contains these characters () or {}

    i can list a shader in textfile (sending print)

    --------- textfile or qlist contents: -----------
    // Cyrille Henry 2007 uniform float K1 \;
    uniform float K2 \;
    uniform float K3 \;
    uniform vec2 offset \;
    void main() \{ gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0 \;
    gl_Position = ftransform() \;

    but not banging line by line if line contains () or {}

    list: // Cyrille Henry 2007 uniform float K1
    list: uniform float K2
    list: uniform float K3
    list: uniform vec2 offset
    list: void main()

    forever loop

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    Pd won't properly print curly braces. best to avoid that alltogether and just use

    [t b]

    to see whether it properly iterates.
    but anyhow, it seems like it does...

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    thanks for your bug-report;

    please note however, that Gem has a separate bug-tracker, at

    (this should be printed to the pd-console whenever Gem is loaded)

    please use Gem's bug-tracker for Gem bugs.

    Gem's sourceforge-project can be found at

  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-03-19

    not sure if it is a puredata or gem problem

    textfile should /could properly print curly braces, no?
    is the same code used to load a shader in gem?

    because shaders use curly braces ,and this can't be changed .


  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    thanks for your bug-report;

    please note however, that Gem has a separate bug-tracker, at

    (this should be printed to the pd-console whenever Gem is loaded)

    please use Gem's bug-tracker for Gem bugs.

    Gem's sourceforge-project can be found at

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • status: open --> pending
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    it seems to be a Gem problem (and thus should actually ne reported at the Gem-tracker, sorry for that)

    [textfile] can obviously read the fie fine, it's only [print] (or rather: Pd's print system in relation to tcl/tk) that has problems with curly braces.

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • status: pending --> pending-fixed
  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    i think i found the cause of the problem (and fixed it in git, so it should appear in the next (bugfix) release of Gem)

    Gem is reading the the shader-files as "text", and checks whether it was able to read all the bytes from the file.
    w32 will convert CRLF line-endings to CR, so for each line-ending, one byte goes missing and Gem (erroneously) thinks it was unable to read the entire file.

    until there are binaries available, you could try to convert your shader-files from CRLF to LF, so no bytes go missing...

    sorry for the inconvenience

  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-04-05
    • status: pending-fixed --> open-fixed
  • pyfave

    pyfave - 2012-04-05

    no that's great !

    i'm very happy you nailed it.
    it's my first bug report with a solution
    i'll try your workaround .

  • IOhannes m zmölnig

    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed


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