
Prolint / News: Recent posts

Moved to The OpenEdge Hive

Prolint has moved to The OpenEde Hive ( ) which is the new place to be for all Progress related projects.

We would like to thank Sourceforge, for serving us for years.

Posted by Jurjen Dijkstra 2006-10-08

prolinteclipse in CVS, fix 'expect' files

I've committed Prolint/Eclipse 0.1.2 to CVS with module name 'prolinteclipse'.
I found that the 0.1.2 zip package contains old 'expect' files, and the unit tests don't pass. Fixed in CVS.

Posted by John Allen Green 2005-04-20

Prolint/Eclipse 0.0.1

I've posted a zip file with the source I've built so far for an Eclipse plug-in for Prolint. It's nowhere near ready for real-world use, this post is just to make the source visible. We've discussed it a little bit in the forums, and there I've described what I've done so far. -- John

Posted by John Allen Green 2005-03-29

proed4w also in CVS

the sources for module "proed4w" are now also imported in CVS.
"proed4w" handles the integration between Progress and ED for Windows and provides a convenient way to call Prolint or Syntax checks.
See also

Posted by Jurjen Dijkstra 2002-08-30