
PC Fare Meter / News: Recent posts

v0.97 ...Becoming more popular

First contributed patches applied.
Changes for v0.97...

Fixes from Hans Saelens...
* Auto move wasn't deleted properly
* Fix for crashing when the project name was too long for the notify icon.
* Ability to edit auto moves from the auto move dialog.

* Added a balloon for the notify icon
* Fix for project group filters not adding/deleting properly.
* After we move a window we can use the up/down arrow to move to the next item.
* When moving a window, task time doesn't scroll down the to the bottom anymores.

Posted by niknah 2007-10-25

v0.96 faster, less bugs

The computer equivalent of a taxi cab fare meter. Clocks your time, what you've been working on and adds up how much $ you should charge clients.

* Added Tree View option, can be enabled in the options menu
* The project's task view is faster, if there's too many tasks, next/prev links will be added at the end.
* Fix for crash when loading things with control characters.
* Added "Quit without saving" button in the import/export dialog.
* Sort the recently opened files list so that the most recently opened file comes first.
* Extra fixes if the user moves the windows out of bounds.
* Changed the main menu color to the system default instead of the old cyan.
* Assorted other error catches for unexpected behaviour.... read more

Posted by niknah 2007-07-09

v0.94 windows xp fixup

The computer equivalent of a taxi cab fare meter. Clocks your time, what you've been working on and adds up how much $ you should charge clients.

Small but important fix. The buttons weren't working on the main screen's project list in windows xp(I used to use windows 2k)

Posted by niknah 2007-01-09

v0.93 release, easier to use!

The computer equivalent of a taxi cab fare meter. Clocks your time, what you've been working on and adds up how much $ you should charge clients.

* Added instructions on first start up and sample projects.
* Easier to use auto move features, will ask for auto move if you've moved it many times.
* When editing a window that is in many tasks, you can now see which tasks it belongs to.
* Added recently opened files list in export/import dialog.
* Asks you to add a hot key if you've been moving to the same project a few times.
* Right click on project group to rename.
* Tooltips for long window names.
* Auto move dialog is now sortable.
* Won't crash if adding invalid regex strings to auto move.
* Fix closest task time match up, used to just look for the first task time that matched to add a window to.

Posted by niknah 2006-12-13

PCFareMeter v0.92 release

The computer equivalent of a taxi cab fare meter. Clocks your time, what you've been working on and adds up how much $ you should charge clients.

* Fixed problem with too many task times being created on auto move.
* Added regex/plain text option for auto move.
* Project view: Added a prefilled search box for the most common parts of the window names.
* Better project selection so you can see which project you've clicked on.
* Fixed problem with the sorting by $ not working when we toggle the red/green button.
* Replaced yes/no question with add auto move button.
* Added the save/save as default screen for when we're using an imported projects file.
* Fix for occasional crashes if we try to get the window name after the window closes.
* Project view: Change timing labels to readonly text so we can copy and paste.

Posted by niknah 2006-10-26

Change of name to PC Fare Meter + new release v0.91

Change of name to PC Fare Meter(Project Timer is already a commercial software by someone else.)
Lots of improvements and fixes.

Better looking shading for selecting the task section.
Added manual auto move button in project view.
Start/stop auto move toggle.
Moved project properties into separate dialog.
Export .csv now exports the active duration numbers too.
Can't add the same thing twice into auto move anymores.
Less flickering in the project view dialog.
Better resizing of columns when the dialog is resized.
Added group column to main view.
Deleting windows can now be done with the delete key.
Saves positions + sizes of dialogs.
Assorted bug fixes.

Posted by niknah 2006-10-03

Project Timer first release!

Project Timer is the computer equivalent of a taxi cab fare meter. Automatically records what you were working on, no need to remember.

More info is at the home page...

Posted by niknah 2006-08-15