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File Date Author Commit
 src 2015-04-09 Sergey Levin Sergey Levin [8f419c] ProjectLineCounter Plugin 0.9.4 2015-04-09
 tests 2014-04-02 Sergey Levin Sergey Levin [b0885e] Minor tests improvements
 LICENSE_GPL3 2014-04-02 Sergey Levin Sergey Levin [b0885e] Minor tests improvements
 README 2015-04-09 Sergey Levin Sergey Levin [8f419c] ProjectLineCounter Plugin 0.9.4 2015-04-09
 changelog.txt 2015-04-09 Sergey Levin Sergey Levin [8f419c] ProjectLineCounter Plugin 0.9.4 2015-04-09 2014-04-02 Sergey Levin Sergey Levin [b0885e] Minor tests improvements

Read Me

    If you dowloaded "share" and "lib" folders, proceed to INSTALLATION section.
    ProjectLineCounter plugin built using Qt 5.3.0 and should work with Qt Creator 3.4.0 and above.
	1.1  If you haven't Qt Creator on your PC yet, download and install it now.
        1.2  Download Qt Creator (3.4.0 or above) source files.
	1.3  Build Qt Creator from source. For more information read:
	1.4  From now you should have two Qt Creators: installed Qt Creator (step 1.1) and built from source Qt Creator (step 1.3).
        1.5  Open "ProjectLineCounter/src/" with installed Qt Creator.
        1.6  In "" change QTCREATOR_SOURCES variable to path to downloaded Qt Creator source
files (step 1.2).
        1.7  In "" change IDE_BUILD_TREE variable to path where you built Qt Creator (step 1.3).
	1.8  Hit "Run" button.
	1.9  When "Custom Executable" window appear, select Qt Creator executable you just built (step 1.3).
        1.10 When built from source Qt Creator starts, enable ProjectLineCounter. Look at steps 2.3-2.4 for details.

        ProjectLineCounter should work with Qt Creator 3.4.0.
        2.1  Download Qt Creator 3.4.0 (or above) from url:
        2.2  Place "share" and "lib" folders to folder where Qt Creator was installed.
        2.3  Start Qt Creator and open "Help->About Plugins..." menu.
        2.4  Locate "ProjectLineCounter" and check "Load" checkbox.