
]po[ V4.0.3.Beta-01 Windows Installer Released


After a lot of testing and even more fixing we've just uploaded the first V4.0.3 "Beta" version of the Windows installer:

This is the improved version of the last alpha-28 (

Most of the issues listed in the posting above have been fixed, except for:

  • Windows Permission Issues:
    Changes made by users in unprivileged mode can affect the ]po[ installation,
    including manual modifications of the "/servers/projop/filestorage" or running
    a "cvs update" in the /servers/projop/pacakges/ folder.
    We have not yet found any reasonable solution for this problem. Maybe you
    have got a good idea?
  • Server Restart and Logroll:
    The server still doesn't restart, so you need to manually restart the Windows
    service. We are looking into several options at the moment.
  • Application Issues:
    There is still an issues with cloning projects.

Please help us to test the Beta and tell us if something goes wrong (or if you successfully run the system).


Posted by Frank Bergmann 2013-01-18

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