
Problem with LDAP - group mapping (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)

  • Christopher K

    Christopher K - 2015-05-06

    Hello there,

    I got a problem with the LDAP configuration. After I mapped the groups and pressed next.
    I also got 2 screenshots for you that show, that there was no problem so far.,e3BMa6p#0

    Hope you guys can help me! :)

  • Klaus Hofeditz

    Klaus Hofeditz - 2015-05-07

    u probably want to increase the size of field users_contact::wa_line1 ./k

  • Christopher K

    Christopher K - 2015-05-07

    okay and where do I have to change the size?

  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2016-08-15


    Please execute the following commands in a SQL shell or in pgAdminIII (comes as part of the ]po[ distribution):

    drop view users_active;

    alter table users_contact alter column home_phone type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column work_phone type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column cell_phone type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column pager type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column fax type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column aim_screen_name type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column msn_screen_name type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column icq_number type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column ha_line1 type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column ha_line2 type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column ha_city type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column ha_state type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column ha_postal_code type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column wa_line1 type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column wa_line2 type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column wa_city type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column wa_state type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column wa_postal_code type text;
    alter table users_contact alter column note type text;

    create or replace view users_active as
    u.user_id, u.username, u.screen_name, u.last_visit, u.second_to_last_visit, u.n_sessions, u.first_names, u.last_name,
    c.home_phone, c.priv_home_phone, c.work_phone, c.priv_work_phone, c.cell_phone, c.priv_cell_phone, c.pager, c.priv_pager,
    c.fax, c.priv_fax, c.aim_screen_name, c.priv_aim_screen_name, c.msn_screen_name, c.priv_msn_screen_name, c.icq_number,
    c.priv_icq_number, c.m_address, c.ha_line1, c.ha_line2, c.ha_city, c.ha_state, c.ha_postal_code, c.ha_country_code,
    c.priv_ha, c.wa_line1, c.wa_line2, c.wa_city, c.wa_state, c.wa_postal_code, c.wa_country_code, c.priv_wa,
    c.note, c.current_information
    from registered_users u left outer join users_contact c on u.user_id = c.user_id;



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