
#221 Treo600 navigation conflicts

Rod Whitby

The Treo600 has automatic navigation via the 5-way d-
pad. The default behaviour of this conflicts with the in-
built behaviour of Progect (e.g. when you open a Task
Edit form, focus goes to the OK button instead of the
Description field).

All this requires to fix it is some navigation resources
added to the progect.rcp file.


  • Rod Whitby

    Rod Whitby - 2004-02-16

    Logged In: YES

    I reported it, I will fix it. Should only require some new
    sections added to progect.rcp, which will not affect behaviour
    on any other devices that do not recognise the 'fnav'
    resource, and which will be required (and consistent) for all
    devices that do recognise the 'fnav' resource (of which I think
    the Treo600 is the only device at the moment).

  • Rod Whitby

    Rod Whitby - 2004-02-16
    • assigned_to: nobody --> rwhitby
  • Rick Price

    Rick Price - 2004-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Do you happen to have a patch for your changes?

    Also, it looks to me like the jog dial support in the non-
    rewritten Progect is severely broken. This is fixed in the new
    (very) unreleased version.

    Did you want to try out an alpha copy to see how it works
    for you?


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