
The Retargettable MCU Emulator / News: Recent posts

ProEmulator rebirth - PEMU project lanuched

PEMU is the totally re-written version of ProEmulator, which runs on both Linux and Windows, with enhanced portability, flexibility and performance. The new version is being intensively developed in SF cvs repository. As soon as a usable version is availlable, it will be released on the page. The new PEMU is aiming at emulation 8051, 68HC08, Z80, ARM7, MIPS and PowerPC on x86 hardware. Instead of adopting techs like JIT, as many other emulators do, PEMU will concentrate on implementation of fast emulation by hand-written x86 assembly language.

Posted by Stanley Huang 2005-04-13

ProEmulator 2.1 released

With lots and lots of improvements since version 2.0.

Posted by Stanley Huang 2004-11-13

ProEmulator now emulates ARM and supports GCC

GNU debugger (GDB-ARM-ELF) and GNU C/C++ Compiler (GCC-ARM-ELF) is supported and included in this release. Two new plugins, core_gdbarm.dll and cplr_gccarm.dll were written to connect GNU tools to ProEmulator.

Posted by Stanley Huang 2004-07-10

ProEmulator now comes with PluginWizard

PluginWizard makes emulating new devices even easier with ProEmulator. It generates ProEmulator plugin source code skeleton which is quick start to write a emulation plugin.

Posted by Stanley Huang 2004-05-15

ProEmulator now emulates 8086

Now ProEmulator can emulate 8086 CPU. The compiler plugin for MASM and TASM will be coming soon.

Posted by Stanley Huang 2004-05-05

ProEmulator 2.0 Alpha 16 released

In this release, user can create project which can contain the system configuration of emulation. The menu is re-organized and there are many other new features available now.

Posted by Stanley Huang 2004-05-02

ProEmulator 2.0 Alpha 12 released

This is the most stable and rich-featured release of ProEmualtor. The interface has been improved to be more user friendly. The emulation performance is boosted in this release. And features like serial device redirecting is stable now.

Posted by Stanley Huang 2004-04-25