
portable plot / News: Recent posts

new release of pplot

Improvements to wxWidgets version due to S. Verdoold.

Posted by Pier Philipsen 2006-05-02

new release of pplot

Plot supports now zooming and editing of data and has been ported to wxWindows.

Posted by Pier Philipsen 2004-09-12

new release of pplot

The latest release (pplot-2003-10-04) features interfaces from ruby and python to pplot. This means that pplot has become scriptable, thus making it more flexible: with your script you can dowload the latest stock market information, perform some operations on it, and view the result in a pplot widget.

Posted by Pier Philipsen 2003-10-04

ruby interface to pplot

Now there is a wrapper available to interface with the script language ruby to pplot. The way to use it is just as in c++, except that you can use native ruby arrays, making it very convenient to use. Needless to say it does not matter whether you are using a qt, cocoa or whatever implementation of pplot on a particular platform.

Posted by Pier Philipsen 2003-09-09

new developer

Pplot welcomes Carlos Rega as a new developer.

Posted by Pier Philipsen 2003-06-09

Cocoa implementation of PPlot

Thanks to Drew McCormack, Portable Plot can now be integrated in Max OS X applications.

Posted by Pier Philipsen 2002-11-08