
Python Publishing Accessories / News: Recent posts

PPA 0.2.4 released

- distutils installer
- templating system works with unicode source
- batch class Repeat in Template.Cook module

Posted by Denis S. Otkidach 2004-04-12

QPS 2.3.1 released

Added cookie authorization support. Some clean up, fixed several minor bugs. Requires PPA 0.2.3.

Posted by Denis S. Otkidach 2003-11-17

PPA 0.2.3 released

FileSourceFinder now accepts optional keyword parameter file. Useful for sites in Unicode.

Posted by Denis S. Otkidach 2003-11-17

PPA 0.2 released

Fixed bugs in TAL-based template engines, added adapters for CGI and mod_python with the same interface.

Posted by Denis S. Otkidach 2003-02-11

ip2cc 0.1 released (lookup country by IP)

If you want to gather web statistics by countries (not by top-level domains) or implement targeting, here is solution: ip2cc. This module allows to resolve country from IP address. The main advantage of ip2cc comparing to others (e.g. GeoIP) is that you can update database yourself whenever you want. Requires nothing except python with its standard library. Can work as CGI.

Posted by Denis S. Otkidach 2002-08-16

PPA 0.1 released

Templating system is quite usable now and has beed tested on production servers. It includes engines for Python Embedded (ASP-style), adapter for TAL (both HTML and XML, macro TALES syntax is not mature yet), Raw, Python-style String Interpolation and quick-and-dirty adapter for DTML.

Posted by Denis S. Otkidach 2002-04-19

Adapter for TAL added

Now we have engines for the most beautiful template language I know.

Posted by Denis S. Otkidach 2002-02-28


The first simple ASP-like template engine is ready. The differences from similar engines (PMZ, PSP, EPY etc.) are:
- low level but more flexible API
- compile/interpret stages
- excelent error reporting

Posted by Denis S. Otkidach 2002-02-26