mason_s - 2013-10-25

It should not be looking at procarray. I think it may fall back to that if
there is a problem with GTM. (An aside- we should change it so that it does
not do that, but anyway...). Please try to verify that the nodes can
connect to GTM ok by examining the log files.



On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Bill West bwest_noload@users.sf.netwrote:

Status: open
Labels: Installation Error
Created: Fri Oct 25, 2013 09:33 PM UTC by Bill West
Last Updated: Fri Oct 25, 2013 09:33 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

I have created an instance of postgres-xc on my production platform. I am
getting errors that I did not see in development. The error message reads
"LOG: failed to find proc 0x2b3412852dc0 in ProcArray". It fires off every
minute or so. The database works to a point but seems unstable. It has
trouble recognizing the number of active connections. I set it up to accept
the default 100 connections but at best it will only accept 5 and gradually
degrades until it will only accept 1. If I restart the service it improves
but quickly degrades again. Has anybody experienced this type of error on
installation before? The OS is GNU/Linux 64 Bit.


Bill West

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