
portletbridge / News: Recent posts

PortletBridge Updates

The PortletBridge project is back. Updates for the latest versions of Liferay and JBoss coming soon.

The PortletBridge Portlet ( is a JSR-168 Portlet that can proxy and rewrite content from a downstream web site. Version 1.1.2 Final supports:

* Getting content from a downstream http site
* Proxy configuration (including NTLM and Basic authentication)
* NTLM and Basic authentication as preferences
* Using an xsl stylesheet to rewrite the content from the downstream site
* Proxying of remote resources (e.g. images, flash etc.)
* Regular expression defining which URL's are in the portlet and which should be regular links
* XSL Stylesheets packaged as part of the portlet or remote (URL based)
* Links to binary files
* Rewriting CSS urls
* Moving javascript and css links out of the head
* Hiding of downstream URLs and configurable scope
* Back button and refresh support
* Base tag support
* Pluggable authentication
* Configurable regular expressions for Javascript and CSS rewriting
* Help and Edit modes... read more

Posted by james mcgrange 2007-11-25

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1 Final Released

The PortletBridge Portlet ( is a JSR-168 Portlet that can proxy and rewrite content from a downstream web site. Version 1.1 Final supports:

* Getting content from a downstream http site
* Proxy configuration (including NTLM and Basic authentication)
* NTLM and Basic authentication as preferences
* Using an xsl stylesheet to rewrite the content from the downstream site
* Proxying of remote resources (e.g. images, flash etc.)
* Regular expression defining which URL's are in the portlet and which should be regular links
* XSL Stylesheets packaged as part of the portlet or remote (URL based)
* Links to binary files
* Rewriting CSS urls
* Moving javascript and css links out of the head
* Hiding of downstream URLs and configurable scope
* Back button and refresh support
* Base tag support
* Pluggable authentication
* Configurable regular expressions for Javascript and CSS rewriting
* Help and Edit modes... read more

Posted by james mcgrange 2006-01-14

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1-rc2 Released

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1-rc2 has been released. Features include: Upgrade to neko 0.9.5, Parser feature and property support and stylesheetUrl preference support. See for more details.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-12-06

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1-rc1 Released

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1-rc1 has been released. Features include: Base URL support, initial configurable authenticator support and various bug fixes. See for more details.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-11-30

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1-beta3 Released

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1-beta3 has been released. Features include: Better integration with Gridsphere 2.1.1, configurable request id's to avoid clashes and is compiled with Java 1.4.2. See for more details.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-11-08

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1-beta2 Released

PortletBridge Portlet 1.1-beta2 has been released. New features include: rewriting of remote css and javascript; configurable regular expressions for css and javascript; upgrade to httpclient rc4; and numerous bug fixes.See for more details.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-10-26

PortletBridge Portlet 1.0 Final Released

PortletBridge Portlet 1.0 Final has been released. Check it out at The PortletBridge Portlet is a proxying, web clipping, JSR-168 portlet useful for hosting existing web applications as portlets.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-09-19

PortletBridge Portlet 1.0 Beta 1 Released

PortletBridge Portlet Beta 1 has been released. While there are still a few todo's, the PortletBridge portlet is essentially feature complete for 1.0. That said, if there are any features you'd like to see in the portlet, please let me know by mail at dkfn at See for more information.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-09-01

PortletBridge Portlet 0.3.1 Released

PortletBridge Portlet 0.3 has been released. This is mainly a bug fix release but also includes support do POSTing forms. See for more information about the portletbridge project.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-08-20

PortletBridge Portlet 0.3 Released

PortletBridge Portlet 0.3 has been released. This is a massive rewrite using code kindly donated by Rickard Oberg. See for more information. New features include: CSS rewriting, Support for hiding downstream urls, Javascript opener rewriting, Edit page for initUrl and scope, Regex scope, Help page, Back button and refresh support, Proxy Authentication Support, Proxy Support, NTLM Proxy Support, Error page.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-08-18

PortletBridge Portlet 0.2 Released

The PortletBridge Portlet 0.2 has been released. This is the first SourceForge release of the portletbridge portlet. The portlet proxies remote content from a web site as a portlet and rewrites the content using a configurable stylesheet. See for more information.

Posted by james mcgrange 2005-07-03