
PoptrayU / Blog: Recent posts

Blog moved

Please see here for future announcements:

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-11-04

5.2.2 Stable Released

Since I'm not getting a flood of new bug reports about the last version, and it's working really well on my machine, I've decided to release a new stable version, compiled with optimizations. Changes are fairly minor otherwise, cleaned up unused variables and typecast warnings, improved the password encoding algorithm to support unicode passwords, and added updated translation files for Canadian French.... read more

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-10-02

5.2.1 Now Available!

Highlights Include:
Rules: ** Add gmail labels with rules. Rules mark messages important on the server (on IMAP accounts)
Translations: ** New features from the last release are now translatable.
Bug Fixes Imap logging disabled, HTML emails showing up as plain text, EAccessException displaying tooltips

Download here

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-09-28

PopTrayU is now on Facebook

In case you missed this behind the read more link in my last post, PopTrayU is now on facebook: A new place where you can find out about new releases, leave feedback or discuss PopTrayU--no sourceforge account required!

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-09-26

5.2.0 Beta Now Available!

Some exiting new features in this beta release! Download here

Faster & Better Delete has been rewritten for both POP and IMAP to not trigger a full account check in "Delete messages immediately" mode. This makes delete MUCH MUCH faster. And for IMAP accounts delete now uses the UID EXPUNGE command if your mail server supports it, so messages deleted by other clients (like your phone) are not expunged (aka permanantly deleted) when you delete a message using PopTrayU. Additionally, IMAP accounts are now left open between checks which further speeds up actions like delete, preview, and mark read/unread.... read more

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-09-26

Next Release In Development

I'm working on a new release of PopTrayU. It's going to have some more fun new IMAP features like moving spam messages to the server's spam folder on delete and likewise for trash. Hopefully "archive" on the server for gmail too if I can get that working.

But...I know there's also some lingering bugs in 5.1.5 that I haven't been able to stomp out yet. So now's your chance to hop on over to the PopTrayU discussion board on Sourceforge and weigh in about which are the most important bugs that I should prioritize.

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-06-24

5.1.4 Beta Release

The last beta still had a few kind of annoying bugs like getting stuck in a continuous mail checking loop if you deleted a message on a POP account with "limit inbox size" enabled...and some debug logging that may cause access protection errors depending on your UAC settings. So I'm re-releasing again. read more

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-04-07

5.1.3 Beta Release

Since 5.1.2 was rushed to patch that nasty account bug in 5.1.1, there were a couple bug fixes and features that didn't make it into that release that were almost done. Finally, you can see the first of the new really awesome features I've been working on that required "breaking" core functionality to make them happen: IMAP now uses server-side tracking of read/unread status instead of local tracking, for those who check their email from multiple devices. POP3 will continue to track read/unread status locally. ... read more

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-04-03

5.1.2 beta released

Found a nasty bug in the account edit screen in 5.1.1 that can cause accounts to disappear when editing account information. Beta release users, please upgrade. If you prefer less buggy "stable" releases, please continue to use 5.0.15.

New Features

X-Mailer header is now hidden from the preview window unless X-mailer display is enabled in preview options.... read more

Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-03-31

5.1.1 Beta Released

Bug-fix to the previously released beta. A few mostly minor bugs addressed.


  • "Run/test email client" for last account would fail on 5.1.0
  • Accounts Authentication Mode dropdown was not translatable.
  • French (Canada) translation updated.
  • About tab sub-tabs were not sizing correctly in 5.1.0
Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-02-18

5.1.0 Beta Released

This version has a LOT of really awesome new stuff, as such, I have marked this release as a beta, and will wait to make it the default download until it's been a little more tested and proven. I've been testing with this version for a while, and it's pretty hard to go back to 5.0 versions after using this one. ;-)

Some of the most noteworthy new features include:

  • an option to limit the inbox size to a fixed number of messages so it won't take 10 minutes downloading the last three months worth of mail in your IMAP inbox when what you want to see is the newest mail from this week.
  • Accounts, Options, and Rules tabs have been redesigned with category panels to make things more organized and easy to find
  • Large fonts support. The layout automatically adjusts the positions and sizes of almost everything to accommodate the font choice and current language.
  • New categories in the Options tab for options related to Preview and Rules.... read more
Posted by Jessica Brown 2015-02-16

5.0.15 Released

This update fixes some more user-reported pesky bugs like "Response (last) line started with a * but next word was not a valid response like OK, BAD, etc" when connecting to certain IMAP SSL accounts. Indy Networking Library has been updated again to the latest and greatest for added stability. Save as file has had multiple bug fixes (file types list, removing illegal characters) and one new feature (remembering the filename when you change types). And I've dropped the "beta" from this version number, to clarify that this release should actually be fairly stable. ... read more

Posted by Jessica Brown 2014-11-15

5.0 beta 14 released

For the sake of superstition, we are skipping beta 13, and hoping beta 14 will be better luck.

Mostly bug fixes in this version. Emails of type multipart/mixed were occasionally incorrectly showing up as plain text instead of HTML, now fixed. Errors with SASL not supported when authentication mode is set to auto have been fixed (in AUTO mode it will automatically retry in PASS authentication mode if SASL fails). Test account finally correctly reports UIDL support again. Some translation/tooltip things fixed on the main interface options tab. and a couple other minor things.

Posted by Jessica Brown 2014-11-05

5.0 beta 12 released

This release fixes more bugs old and new. This fixes the following additional issues from beta 10: rules tab translation issues, message numbering being off after deleting for POP until next scheduled check, and UIDL test not correctly reporting UIDL support if CAPA is not implemented by server.

Also new, French (Canada) translation is now fully up to date, and long time annoyance "Max Line Length Exceeded" will no longer cause a message check failure (typically this only happened with spam-like messages anyway, but having to log in from another client to delete the message was a hassle).

Posted by Jessica Brown 2014-07-23

5.0 beta 11 released

Fixes a couple pesky bugs from beta 10, no new features.

Posted by Jessica Brown 2014-07-11

5.0 Beta 10 Released

This version has some speed improvements for various IMAP commands, especially for larger inboxes. It also adds a few user requested features: find/search for preview window, support for MMS and SMS emails, and an option to auto-close preview windows when you close the main window. Bug fixes include certain attached/embedded pictures not loading in the preview widow, rules not having "custom" color available for tray notification color, and some other work on the rules code.

Posted by Jessica Brown 2014-07-08

Updated SSL Plugin

If you use SSL, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you update your SSL Plugin for PoptrayU as soon as possible. Download the updated version here:
It is fine to install as an upgrade over the previous version.

The version number of the updated DLL files are or 1.0.1g. Previously PopTrayU distributed OpenSSL, which is one of the versions affected by a critical security bug, the "heartbleed" vulnerability. (Read more about the vulnerability:

Posted by Jessica Brown 2014-04-09

PopTrayU 5.0 Beta 9 Released

I've released a new version to fix most of the most common errors reported about the previous version.

"Preview Top Lines" and the blacklist editor screen are now once again working. There is better handling of certain SASL login failures, as well as fixes for memory access crashes while creating or testing new accounts.

Known issue: Logging into Gmail via IMAP with SASL (or Auto) authentication mode may not succeed. Workaround: On the accounts tab, press "Advanced >>" to show the advanced account options, and change "Authentication" to "Password". This will be fixed in a future version.

Posted by Jessica Brown 2013-12-11

PopTrayU 5.0 Beta 8 Released

This release fixes several types of less common but unnecessary crashes, many of which are related to having an empty inbox. The bug reporting tool also now allows user to select whether to save the bug report to a file or send bug report by email.

Posted by Jessica Brown 2013-08-22

PopTrayU 5.0 Beta 7 Released

Preview Window Enhancements
Unsafe content blocking added (javascript, java, activex, etc). HTML preview will now print in HTML. HTML preview now correctly opens more links in the default browser (https and new window links). Printer selection dialog shown before printing. When "show images" is disabled, all external content downloads should now be blocked (to enable image blocking, right click on the toolbar while previewing an HTML message and select the option from the pop up menu, or use the keyboard shortcut ctrl-i)... read more

Posted by Jessica Brown 2013-08-10

Upcoming Feature: Image Blocking

Reliable blocking of Images and other external content is finally coming soon!

I've finally come up with a reliable way to block external content from downloading without having to do the "set internet explorer in offline mode manually" workaround. I'm still working out a few bugs, but it should be coming in the next release.

Why I'm posting about this now though, rather than after it's finished and fully working is there's some choices about which "Ambient Control Flags" should be set for Image Blocking mode and Regular Mode, and I wanted to open up the floor for discussion about this design decision.... read more

Posted by Jessica Brown 2013-08-08

PopTrayU 5.0 Beta 6 released

This release adds SASL support for IMAP, similar to the SASL support already available for POP3. It also fixes "already connected" error on check reported by IMAP users.

Other Bug Fixes
Startup minimized to tray not hiding the taskbar icon bug is fixed. Also the bug causing white ghosted images on the options page is fixed.

Custom date format
New feature: you can customize the format used in the date column in the main window, allowing you to select a more concise date format if you don't care about what year your email arrived or how many seconds past the minute, etc. Help on defining a custom date format is included in the help file, or online at:

Posted by Jessica Brown 2013-08-06

PopTrayU 5.0 Beta 5 released

Beta 5 has been released to address a nasty bug that was preventing IMAP SSL accounts from working in most cases. Please let me know if you continue to see issues with IMAP SSL not working.

New feature in this release: PopTrayU will display link urls at the bottom of the HTML preview window on mouseover, so the url can be inspected before clicking the link.

Also fixed, previously PopTrayU would crash on startup if the regional settings did not use colon as the time perpetrator (eg: in Italian regional settings a dot is used instead).

Posted by Jessica Brown 2013-07-08

PopTrayU 5.0 Beta 4 Released

Most of the changes to this version are updating almost all of the remaining out of date translation files to be complete, though the filled in translations for missing strings are automated translations, so not quite as high of quality as native speakers. Additionally, some errors converting certain Eastern European and Baltic languages to UTF-8 have been fixed.

Also, this update fixes an annoying bug where the reply button on the preview window would fill in the incorrect reply address if there was no reply-to header.

Posted by Jessica Brown 2013-06-13

PopTrayU 5.0 Beta 3 Released

HTML Preview just got even better. Now PopTrayU decodes and displays embedded attached images in HTML preview mode. This is a feature I've been wanting to add for quite some time, but it was a little bit tricky on the implementation end, so it's taken a while to get this feature working.

A recent version of IE is required to display embedded images. IE 7 and below do not support embedded images at all. IE8 only supports embedded images up to 32kb. IE 9 and above can display most or all embedded images.

Posted by Jessica Brown 2013-06-06