

Dominik Seichter

The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library. It can parse and modify existing PDF files and create new ones from scratch. It also includes several tools to work with PDF files.

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  • Lpsyco

    Lpsyco - 2014-04-17


    As part of a mini project that I realize now I have to manipulate a PDF file creation in Qt, add content, edit, delete, format, and anything that I could do normally on a pdf file.

    However, I looked on the net and I found Podofo library that is interesting and largely filled the actions I want to do.

    My problem is that. I read the manual of installation on windows but it does not work.
    If you could tell me step by step and explicitly what I need to do to install it without worries.

    PS: already read the doc.
    I have Qt5 installed and the windows OS.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Paul Nelsen

    Paul Nelsen - 2017-01-09

    The PoDoFo source code looks good to me. The filters in PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp are solid. Unfortunately, there is no filter provided for JPX or Crypt. Consequently, the library does not support encrypted PDF and does not support JPEG2000 images if they are present in the PDF. Will these filters be added in the near future?


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