
party net radio / News: Recent posts

PnRadio preview version released

Today, I released a preview version of PNRadio. You can download it at

Please note, that PNRadio is far from complete. It is still lacking some important features, but it is working. Please see the installation guide in the archive for installation instructions.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2004-12-07

pnr tng still in progress

Party Net Radio is not dead.

Work on the next generation is in progress.
It will contain support for multiple playlists and a brand new web interface.

See http:/// for details and news.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2004-10-03 and updates

I fixed some bug in (maintenance) and (ices playlist handler).

Please download these versions and replace the old versions.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2004-04-09

New version in progress.

I am currently working on version 2.0 after not doing anything on pnr for a long while.

The new version will:
* require ices 0.3 (and therefor icecast 2.0),
* be a complete rewrite,
* support multiple playlists (playlist load, save etc.),
* contain a web and Windows frontend
and maybe more.

Stay tuned.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2004-04-05

Documentation - advanced

The documentation has been moved from (censored) to LaTeX, it will be available soon in HTML, PS, PDF and ASCII formats.

The documentation will contain a more detailed description of the install process and the web frontend.
An icecast how-to is planned.

Stay tuned.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-05-09

pnradio preview 1 released

The first preview release of pnradio can be downloaded here:

Feel free to open a support ticket or to report bugs here:

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-28

preview release coming

On April, 28th 16:00 CEST, the first fully functional preview of pnradio will be released, including:
* database scheme
* maintenance program
* documentation
* web frontend.

Stay tuned !

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-27

New / changed CVS files

The ices perl module for playlist handling was added to the CVS repository today. After fixing some initial bugs (doh) it is a "stable" version now.

Readme files for and were added to provide some basic docs.

pnradio_documentation.txt was updated to reflect the current development status.

Stay tuned for the next release on April 28th (CEST)

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-26

Web Frontend 2

The web frontend for admins is nearly finished.
Song browsing is finished and artist browsing is in progress.
The code is not very clean and needs some organization, but the first goal is to release the frontend for everyone who wants to play around with the database.

Stay tuned.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-24

Web frontend progress ('n stuff)

The web frontend progresses well.
After some difficulties, all admin functions are implemented or in sight.

The first releases of the frontend will not be very flexible. Configurable colours, pictures and buttons, multi language support and configurable layout will be implemented later. The focus is now on the basic functions.

With the database, the maintenance programs and the admin frontend running, the focus will be on icecast and the ices perl module.... read more

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-18

pnradio 0.0.0 released

This is the first "full" package of the pnradio suite.
It contains the database scheme, some documentation and the maintenance program.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-18

Maintenance 0.1.2 released

This is the first release of the maintenance program suite (only one program for now). inserts information about all MP3 files in a given directory and it's subdirectories into the database.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-18

New program:

Today, a new program has been introduces to the pnradio suite:
A Perl script to insert songs and the corresponding artists into the database.
For a brief description see
Select the documentation or maintenance tree.
The files will be released Friday or Saturday this week.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-17

Database 0.6.29 released

The first (public) release of the database scheme with docs has been uploaded today.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-15

First files in CVS

The first files are put into the project's CVS repository:
Database scheme and documentation.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-13

pnradio sourceforge homepage

Created and uploaded a first simple project homepage ( for pnradio.
Downloads and Documentation are not implemented yet, because there is nothing to download or document - that will follow, stay tuned.

Posted by Frank Witthaus 2003-04-13