
Tree [026de0] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 man 2016-08-09 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [744f8f] Merge from 726f8f797ac2
 src 2016-08-09 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [b04f69] Remove unused variable.
 .hgignore 2013-09-13 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [5d87ba] Remove files that are auto* generated.
 .hgtags 2016-08-09 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [1c261a] Put back the v1.6.1 tag.
 AUTHORS 2013-09-13 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [297cdf] Change my old email address to the new one ever...
 COPYING 1999-09-18 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [0634e0] Updated readme and added missing COPYING file.
 ChangeLog 2013-09-13 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [297cdf] Change my old email address to the new one ever...
 INSTALL 2016-08-10 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [026de0] Update the file. 2016-08-09 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [0637b5] Clean up more created files.
 NEWS 2016-08-09 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [071945] Update release to v1.7.1
 README 2013-09-13 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [bea66c] Remove references to CVS in the README and inst... 2016-08-10 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [026de0] Update the file. 2013-09-13 Steve Ratcliffe Steve Ratcliffe [3f9005] Simplified the file.

Read Me

This is pmidi - a command line midi player for ALSA

Written by Steve Ratcliffe <>

See the file COPYING for licence details (GPL).

Build and install

See the INSTALL file for full details.  Normally you just need to use the
following commands:

	make install

To compile from a Mercurial checkout, first use the following commands
first to create the configure script:

	autoconf -a

	or if you have autoreconf:
	autoreconf -i

Before use

1.   First check that the correct sequencer modules are
	 loaded for your sound card:

	 - For a card with an external Midi connection,
	   you need to load snd-seq-midi.
	 - For the OPL2/3 internal synthesiser
	   you need to load snd-synth-opl3.
	 - For the AWE32/64 internal synthesiser
	   you need to load snd-synth-emu8000. 
	 - For the SB Live! internal synthesiser
	   you need to load snd-synth-emu10k1.
	 - (Let me know of any more)

2.a  If you have an AWE32/64 or SB Live! you will need to load the
     sounds with sfxload in the same way as for the standard kernel
2.b  If you have the OPL3 FM synthesiser you will have to load the
     FM instruments with sbiload.  See note below.

3.   Make sure that the synth in the mixer is turned
     up and unmuted if appropriate. 


	pmidi [-p client:port ...] [-l] [-d delay] file ...

	  -p client:port  - A alsa client and port number to send midi to
	  -l              - List possible output ports that could be used
	  -d delay        - Delay after song ends (default 2 sec)

Because you may have more than one sound card and each sound
card may have several MIDI connections, you have to tell pmidi
which one to use.

First find out what the possibilities are for your system:

If you run: 
	pmidi -l 

it will give you a list of the possible devices that it
can play to. On my system I get: 
    Port     Client name                       Port name
    64:0     Rawmidi 0 - EMU10K1 MPU-401 (U    EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)
    65:0     Emu10k1 WaveTable                 Emu10k1 Port 0
    65:1     Emu10k1 WaveTable                 Emu10k1 Port 1
    65:2     Emu10k1 WaveTable                 Emu10k1 Port 2
    65:3     Emu10k1 WaveTable                 Emu10k1 Port 3
    128:0    FLUID Synth (28152)               Synth input port (28152)
    129:0    Client-129                        TiMidity port 0
    129:1    Client-129                        TiMidity port 1

Any of the port numbers in the first column can be used with pmidi. In
the example above the first one is the external Midi port, and the next
four are the internal wave table synthesiser on the SoundBlaster Live!

If you don't see anything listed then check that the correct ALSA modules
are loaded as in the section "Before use".

Running pmidi

You specify the port or ports to use with the -p option,
or by setting the environment variable ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS. 

For example to use port 0 on client 65: 
	pmidi -p 65:0 song.mid 

	export ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS=65:0 
	pmidi song.mid 

A list of client ports can be supplied, which will be used
if the midi file contains port select sequences. 
	pmidi -p 65:0,65:1,65:2,65:3 song.mid 

You can also use spaces to separate with suitable quoting
on the command line. 

OPL3 FM synthesiser

(This note was provided by Dmitrii Sadovskii)

This is what has to be done to use the OPL3 FM synthesiser with pmidi
(provided that the ALSA's respective card module is already loaded)

# modprobe -k snd-synth-opl3

> sbiload -l (same as pmidi -l)
 Port     Client name                       Port name
 64:0     External MIDI 0                   MIDI 0-0
 65:0     OPL3 FM synth                     OPL3 Port
> sbiload -p65:0 --opl3 std.o3 drums.o3
> pmidi -p65:0 sample.midi

	Written by Uros Bizjak <>
	sbiload works with ALSA driver 0.9.0beta2 and later.
	Use it with native ALSA sequencers, such as pmidi-1.5.1
	or later.

	the sound card (or the driver?) does not keep the instrument
	patches after suspend, so sbiload should be called at resume
	(as well as alsactl restore)

It should be said that ALSA+pmidi plays with better quality than OSS/Free
but that in general FM synthesisers are not great for good midi.

Where to report bugs and feedback

Please report any problems to