
PHPXref / News: Recent posts

PHPXref 0.7 released

PHPXref is a utility to cross reference large PHP projects and generate pure HTML documentation from them. No web server is required to view the resulting documentation.
This release adds support for PHP interfaces and static/final methods along with a few other features and bug fixes.

Posted by Gareth Watts 2007-01-03

PHPXref 0.5 released

PHPXref is a utility to cross reference large PHP projects and generate pure HTML documentation from them. No web server is required to view the resulting docs. This version features numerous new features, bug fixes and usability enhancements including cross referencing of constants, search history, inclusion of PHP5 functions, etc.

Posted by Gareth Watts 2004-03-17

PHPXref 0.4.1 released

PHPXref is a utility to cross reference large PHP projects and generate pure HTML documentation from them. No web server is required to view the resulting docs. This version fixes a few bugs and adds some new features such as PHP pretty-printing from the browser and cross-referencing of class variables.

Posted by Gareth Watts 2003-12-10

PHPXref 0.4 Released

Version 0.4 of the PHPXref development utility for PHP hs been released. This version has significant updates over 0.3, mostly focussing on improving the user interface of the documentation it produces to make navigating around the code behind large PHP projects quick and efficient.

As with 0.3, this version works on Linux and Windows and a standalone binary for Windows is also available so you no longer need to install Perl to use it.... read more

Posted by Gareth Watts 2003-09-02

PHPXref 0.3 Released

A significant (and long overdue) update. Adds support for phpdoc style comments, cross referencing PHP classes, improved Windows support, improved layout and a number of other bugfixes and updates.

Posted by Gareth Watts 2003-06-29

PHPXref 0.2 released

It's been a while since the last update and a number of people have submitted patches and suggestions for minor improvements, so I put them together and released v0.2.
Have a look at the Changelog at for the more complete list of updates.

Posted by Gareth Watts 2001-05-01

PHPXref 0.1.1 released

The initial version of PHPXref has been released.
PHPXref is a small Perl script that will cross-reference and extraction inline documentation from your PHP based web site to generate a "use anywhere" set of HTML pages.
Invaluable for larger web sites and projects.

Posted by Gareth Watts 2000-07-17