Logged In: NO


I installed PMI 2.81 on a RHEL box running mysql and PHP5. When I open http://<hostname>/pmi281/ in my browser, it shows me the following errors:

Notice: Undefined variable: db in /var/www/html/pmi281/Includes/db.inc.php on line 3

Notice: Undefined variable: hardwareID in /var/www/html/pmi281/Includes/global.inc.php on line 25

Notice: Undefined variable: peripheralID in /var/www/html/pmi281/Includes/global.inc.php on line 25

Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_VARS in /var/www/html/pmi281/login.php on line 6

However it shows the text boxes to login and when I type in the username and password and click Submit, it shows the following messages, can anybody help?

Notice: Undefined variable: showHeader in /var/www/html/pmi281/Includes/headerFunctions.inc.php on line 99

Notice: Undefined variable: strError in /var/www/html/pmi281/login.php on line 38

Notice: Undefined variable: strError in /var/www/html/pmi281/login.php on line 41

Notice: Undefined variable: strError in /var/www/html/pmi281/login.php on line 45

Notice: Undefined variable: strError in /var/www/html/pmi281/login.php on line 48

Notice: Undefined variable: intNote in /var/www/html/pmi281/login.php on line 70

Thanks in advance.
