
pMH / News: Recent posts

pMH now with full MySQL support

Since 1.0.0 release pMH fully supports MySQL db server.
I hope this will promote pMH among developers and users. It's been the most requested feature since the first steps of the projects, generating lots of requests on the site trackers. Now, you got it! :) Enjoy the program!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2005-08-20

pMH 1.0.0 released

The first stable release is out now!
It's mostly bug free and features all the most important things a complete reservation platform should have:
- Availability and reservation engine
- Property manager
- Resource manager
- Administration panels
- Almost full reports
- Hotel room plug-in
- Multilanguage support
- PDF voucher generation
- User managing and authentication features
- SSL support
- Affiliation report
- Noshow options
- MySQL/PostgreSQL support
- Concurrency safe transactions
pMH is a plug-in based general purpose online reservation platform. It features booking services, affiliations managing, structures advertising. Implemented with PHP Fusebox 3 framework over an XML-based multi-tier architecture

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2005-08-20

1.0.0 Release Candidate 2 is out!

pMH 1.0.0 Release Candidate 2

This should be the last RC before 1.0.0. stable release scheduled for August 20th.
phpMyHotels is a plug-in based general purpose online reservation platform.
It features booking services (plugged-in), content publishing, affiliate users managing.
Implemented with PHP Fusebox 3 framework over an XML-based multi-tier architecture.... read more

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2005-07-14

Moving towards RC2

On 16th June the RC2 will be released. Bye!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2005-03-27

pMH 1.0.0 RC1 released

Wow! We reached Realease Candidate status!!!
phpMyHotels is a plug-in based general purpose online reservation platform.
It features booking services (plugged-in), content publishing, affiliate users managing.
Implemented with PHP Fusebox 3 framework over an XML-based multi-tier architecture.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-11-10

Slightly late but coming -- try CVS!

Hi everybody, RC1 is on its way to come true. I added the editor section to add articles and now I'm debugging the reservation registration routines to have some more improvement in this RC1, which will anyway be far from being bug-free.
CVS tree is kept tightly up to date. If you cannot wait for official package.... :)
See you soon, keep the faith.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-09-21

Official MySQL support in the next releases?

MySQL is not going to be officially supported in the first release of the software. This is due to the fact that I don't have the need to support it and I don't have sponsorship pushing in that direction. If anybody out there wants to join the team to add this feature to the software before I'll do it myself or to support development in an economical way (time is not money, time is life, that's why time is said to be money :) he/she's welcome! The minimum MySQL file you can already find in the distribution is due to the work of Rabii Mouali, which is not directly involved in the project.
All this doesn't mean pMH will never have full MySQL support! It just don't have now and we don't have resources to push development toward it.
Kind regards

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-08-25

1.0.0 Release Candidate 1 is coming

I hope to publish that release in the first days of september. At least before 15th.
Have a nice summer! Bye!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-08-02

pMH 1.0.0 Beta 3.1 released

A few files from CVS tree were not included in the Beta 3 package. This new package fixes this bug, at least.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-06-12

pMH 1.0.0 Beta 3 released

phpMyHotels is a plug-in based general purpose online reservation platform.
It features booking services (plugged-in), content publishing, affiliate users managing.
Implemented with PHP Fusebox 3 framework over an XML-based multi-tier architecture.

Important new feature and many bug fixes have been included since Beta 2 releasing date.
This is planned to be the last Beta release. After this one we should step into Release Candidate status with a
full featured though bugged version of the code.... read more

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-06-09

MySQL support in next Beta 3 release

You all will be happy to find MySQL support for pMH from next release on. We planned this for the 1.1.0 release but we can anticipate this feature up to the next release, 1.0.0 Beta 3.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-05-24

pMH 1.0.0 Beta 2 released

phpMyHotels is a plug-in based general purpose online reservation platform.
It features booking services (plugged-in), content publishing, affiliate users managing.
Implemented with PHP Fusebox 3 framework over an XML-based multi-tier architecture.

Some new feature and many bug fixes have been coded since Beta 1 releasing date.
This 1.0.0 Beta 2 release actually features:
- Availability and reservation engine
- Property manager
- Resource manager
- Administration panels
- Almost full reports
- Hotel room plug-in
- Multilanguage support
- PDF voucher generation
- Users feedback collection and publishing
- Property data publishing

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-04-26

Beta 1 files changed

Due to a security issue we changed files for Beta 1.
.tar.gz and .zip files are about to come.

We strongly recommend re-downloading to update your source copy if you already downloaded this.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-03-29

New mailing list

There's a new mailing lists available on the project page for pMH. This one is dedicated to new releases announcements.
If you really want to keep yourself in touch with the project subscribe now!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-03-27

pMH 1.0.0 Beta 1 released

phpMyHotels is a plug-in based general purpose online reservation platform.
It features booking services (plugged-in), content publishing, affiliate users managing.
Implemented with PHP Fusebox 3 framework over an XML-based multi-tier architecture.
It actually features:
- Availability and reservation engine
- Property manager
- Resource manager
- Administration panels
- Almost full reports
- Hotel room plug-in
- Multilanguage support
- PDF voucher generation
At last we have our first Beta release. We are so proud to announce you this release that is the first one conceived for end user and not for developers.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-03-27

Sorry, overwhelmed

I'm sorry, sorry and once again sorry for being late in releasing Beta version, but I'm still alone in developing and so much jobs to develop... :( Keep your faith on, I really appreciate all the support from pMH already-being fans! Thank you.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-03-08

Real Beta release date!

Ok, let's get a deadline: on 5th March the pMH 1.0.0 Beta 1 will be available!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2004-02-24

pMH Prototype Alpha 1.2 released

This release means a great step ahead for the project.
Almost all user interface is complete now. It keeps being a stupid
demo with no back-end at all. It only aims to show the application workflow
and feel, to create expectations in end-users and will to
cooperate in potential co-developers.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2003-11-19

Prototype beta-1.0 release date

Before 10th November you will find on our project download pages the first package of ours to be beta released: pmh-prototype.
In the meanwhile it could happen to see a few more alpha releases to give exposure to prototype development.
Beta prototype will be the main milestone to start serious back-end development towards application beta release in December.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2003-10-21

New prototype release

pMH is a reservation engine written in PHP over a Fusebox 3.01 framework.
Alpha 1.1 release of the prototype package is available. It's not working for real, it's just to have a demo working before back-end is completed on a feed-back basis, sticking to FLiP methodology.

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2003-10-09

Welcome to Piotr

Piotr has joined our team as a web designer. His help will be precious to define pMH base layout.
Let's sail all together towards Beta Release! Byeeee!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2003-10-09

pMH new homepage

The homepage got a new style and a better usability. Contents still are poor, but they're going to grow up very soon!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2003-10-07

pMH Alpha 1.0 release available

pMH formerly was an hotel reservation platform. It soon became a universal plug-in based full online reservation system. Now phpMyHotels has definitely reached alpha status. Developers from the globe, you're all invited to download it and share your knowledge and skills!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2003-10-05

Alpha release announce

First complete alpha version of pMH will be released on 03/10/03. Bye!

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2003-09-24

Hi Paolo!

We are proud to introduce you a new project developer: Mr. Paolo Brunelli. Let's say altogether 'Ciaaaooooo Paolo!' :)

Posted by Jacopo Romei 2003-07-28