
phpMyAdmin / News: Recent posts

Nupur Agarwal: GSoC PMA:week7

I completed with applying the table classes across all the server pages and
making the required/relative css changes too.
The following PR was made.
-> bootstrap table classes added to all classes
Next, I begin with adding form classes and adding table classes to other pages
than server.
A PR related to form classes will be soon opened by me.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-24

Nupur Agarwal: GSoC PMA: week6

I completed adding card classes to all the remaining pages.
Next main elements that I found on the pages were forms and tables.
I started working on tables and applied required classes to the tables across
the pages.
This required changes in css also like need of the class “data” was completely
So I also applied the required css changes altogether.


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-24

Mohit Kuri: GSoC PMA: Week-7

At the end of week-6, I have refactored move.js of the designer section
partially and also completed the refactoring work for 2 other files(init.js
and page.js). Since there were no reviews by then, I started refactoring rest
of the code of move.js.

I have completed the refactoring of move.js by Tuesday(i.e. 16th July). Here
I just need to replicate the changes which were similar to the work already
done and mentioned in the blog post for week-6. Later this week, I have
written and posted the blog posts for week-5 and week-6 which were due from a
long time.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-22

Apoorv Khare: GSoC PMA week 8: Work report before 2nd evaluation

This was my 8th week of coding in GSoC and next would be second evaluation. My
main task for the 8th week was to complete the composer package and host it as
a stand alone repository along with completing my all previous work .

For the composer package, I wrote the package properties as composer.json and
all functionalities in a well structured manner. The composer works completely
stand alone of phpMyAdmin, stills gives status of configuration variables in a
similar manner. Also I added tests so that the package can be directly tested
in the terminal rather than only in the browser.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-21

Apoorv Khare: GSoC PMA week 7: Creating a composer package

GSoC PMA week 7: Implementing Go-To Navigation

As per my project proposal my this weeks’ task was to start planning and
working on my next task, which is to create a separate composer package having
the phpMyAdmin’s mysql recommendation configurations. But since some of my
last week’s task was remaining I also had to cover that.

I started with writing the backend functionalities for the navigation tab.
Which included fetching and rendering of the tables and databases in the view.
Integrating KBsearch using AJAX requests for realtime filtering and lastly
linking various tables and databases to their views.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-20

Apoorv Khare: GSoC PMA week 6: Implementing Go-To Navigation

My this weeks task was to implement the navigation panel as planned last week.
I started with placing it in the top nav menu and creating a separate
controller and view for the navigation tab. My next task was to write the
functionalities for the controller.

Unfortunately, I felt ill this week and was suffering from conjunctivitis so
was not able to work further.

So I decided to shift this next week along with the other task planned to be
done in the 7th week.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-20

Apoorv Khare: GSoC PMA week 5: Go-To Navigation

It’s been a week since, the first evaluation. I’ve successfully passed the
first evaluation. My task for this week was to work on adding a completely new
feature in the phpMyAdmin portal. It is to provide them with a navigation
panel so that different views can be easily accessed when ever required
because sometimes the server has many tables, databases and other
configuration and setting pages, it sometimes becomes difficult to navigate
through for the user. So the feature is intended to provide them a better
experience while working.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-20

Mohit Kuri: GSoC PMA: Week-5

Finally, the results for the phase-1 evaluations were out and I successfully
passed. Thanks to my mentor Isaac Bennetch
for reviewing my work and providing feedback at regular intervals.

Now for the upcoming weeks and Phase-2 work, we will firstly resolve and make
the possible changes if any for the work submitted for the phase-1. Once done,
we will move ahead with the refactoring and improving the file move.js of the
designer section. Also, before phase-2 evaluations, I need to complete all the
refactoring and improving work related to the designer section. Also, as
planned, we need to resolve some issues which are already there in the
designer section for the phase-3 work so it's good if we finish the
refactoring work till phase-2.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-18

Mohit Kuri: GSoC PMA: Week-6

As started the work in last week, I finally created a
PR which has partially
refactored move.js file(around +60, -60 changes were there). I made changes
in the following format(for example):
Changed from document.getElementById(‘selector’).style.display = ‘none’; to
$(‘#selector’)[0].style.display = ‘none’;
i.e. changed document.getElementById(‘selector’) to $(‘#selector’)[0]
everywhere.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-18

Nupur Agarwal: GSoC PMA: Week 5

As I’d decided with mauricio that I will apply bootstrap classes on the
individual elements across different pages once I finish with the basic
layout(grid structure), I’ve started working on that line.

I have applied form classes to the login page. The following PR addresses the

Bootstrap card classes have also been added to home page. ... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-07-11

Nupur Agarwal: GSoC PMA:week 2

Nupur Agrawal

Mauricio and i discussed and he suggested me to work on a separate and a new
branch gsoc-bootstrap .

I’ll do all my project work on this branch and will get it merge to the master
at the end of project.

I continued implementing the bootstrap grid structure to further pages. That
part was easy for pages like ‘variables’ but really tricky for some pages like
‘users’ as html is still not completely extracted from php files to twig.
Also, there are pages for which parts of html are extracted to twig of
templates and parts are still there in php files.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-26

Nupur Agarwal: GSoC PMA : week4

Nupur Agrawal

As this was the last week before first evaluation, I summed up with the work I
proposed to do before my first evaluation, that is, forming a basic layout for
all the pages.
I did the finally editions to the basic layout of the required pages and added
some commits to my previously opened PR’s.
Next, I will move to implement bootstrap to various elements of these pages.


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-26

Nupur Agarwal: GSoC PMA:week3

Nupur Agrawal


This PR contains bootstrap grid structure for ‘settings’, ‘exports’,
‘imports’, ‘charset’, ‘engine’, ‘replication’, ‘status’ pages.


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-26

Nupur Agarwal: GSoC PMA:week1

Nupur Agrawal

I discussed with mauricio about how to start and implement the things and we
decided to implement grid structure for all the pages first.
So I started with the login page and home page and got it worked out there.


The main idea was to apply container class to the page_contents and then
apply row and the col classes to the different element that it contains.
This will make the pages more responsive according to the different sizes and
also, there will be no need to provide the elements css properties like
padding, margins as the structure handles that part efficiently.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-26

Apoorv Khare: GSoC PMA week 4: Work report before 1st evaluation

I have now completed 4 weeks of coding in GSoC and the first evaluation is
under way. My main task for the 4th week was to make up for anything left or
include any additional changes suggested. I spent most of the time refactoring
my code, making changes as suggested by my mentor and other PMA members and
documenting my experience till now for the 1st evaluation.

In these four weeks, the first task I did was to fix the theme generator tool
which took 2 weeks. The next work was to create Favorite Database feature. The
details about these two are present in my previous blogs. I also worked on
adding comments to my code so as to make it easy to understand for other
developers.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-25

Mohit Kuri: GSoC PMA: Week-4

This is the last week of coding before start of first evaluations. This week
is more of a make-up week with a lot of discussions with mentors so that we
can complete the work for first evaluations with complete documentations.

After all these 4 weeks, all JavaScript files of designer other than
move.js(the file with more than 2.1k lines of code, which will be refactored
in phase-2) and all the documentations have been completed.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-24

Apoorv Khare: GSoC PMA week 3: Adding new Favourite Database feature.

I have completed my 3rd week of GSoC. My task for this week was to begin with
a new feature which is to provide an option to users to mark databases as
favorites. So that they can be easily accessed when ever required because
sometimes the server has many databases and it becomes difficult to manage for
the user. So the feature was intended to provide them a better experience
while working.

The feature is very similar to the existing favorite table feature. My job
was to replicate similar functionalities for databases.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-23

Apoorv Khare: GSoC PMA week 1: The coding begins !!

GSoC PMA week 1: The coding begins !!

It’s been a week since I’ve been working on my Google Summer of Code project
with phpMyAdmin and my work for the first two week was to fix a very important
tool in PMA, which is Theme Generator. The tool was build by my mentor
himself as his last year’s GSoC project. The tool allows user to create their
own custom themes seamlessly.

Recently PMA shifted all their theme’s styles from css to scss. Which
stopped the working of the theme generator. The first two weeks of my GSoC
project were dedicated to fixing the theme generator.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-21

Apoorv Khare: GSoC PMA week 2: Generating custom themes

I’ve completed my second week of GSoC and the main task for this week was to
change the files generated by the theme generator for new themes to scss files
which were css files earlier. The files were generated dynamically through PHP

Initially when the theme generator generated css files after successfully
creating a new theme, when the new theme was selected. The pages rendered like

... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-21

Mohit Kuri: GSoC PMA: Week-3

To resolve the issues(merging all those commits in a single one) which were
there in the PR created
last week, I learned how to squash and rebase(as suggested by my mentor).
But still, while squashing I faced some other issue i.e. after I enter the
command to squash 7 commit messages but I got 784 commits in the next window
which we get after entering the command on the terminal. Since I couldn’t
figure it out why was I getting this, I copied the code and made a separate
. This PR doesn’t have
any of those issues but the other few issues in this PR were the following
ones:... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-18

Mohit Kuri: Google Summer of Code’19 with PhpMyAdmin — “Refactoring and Impoving Designer”

**Google Summer of Code’19 with PhpMyAdmin — “Refactoring and Improving


I would like to thank Google for enabling students to participate in open
source development through GSoC. Also, I am very happy to announce that I’ll
be working with phpMyAdmin this summer on the project ‘Refactoring and
Improving Designer’.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-14

Mohit Kuri: GSoC PMA: Week-2

During week-2, I have created my first PR history.js — improving
targeted at
“gsoc-db-designer” branch. It’s merged after a lot of issues and discussions.
Some of the issues were:

  • Merge Conflict : It was because I started my work with the master branch and not from the already created “gsoc-db-designer” branch. Variable names were also different in this branch as compared to the master branch.
  • ESLint error : While making changes, I made a few changes at places due to which I got this error.... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-13

Mohit Kuri: GSoC PMA: Week-1

Earlier before the GSoC results, I had a conversation with my mentor and I got
to know that project (Refactoring and Improving designer) is unlikely to
come as a GSoC project this year as there was less number of mentors available
during the coding period. Thus I created a PR related to this project so that
at least I can push the work which I have planned. Here is a link to that PR( read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-13

Apoorv Khare: Google Summer of Code ’19 With phpMyAdmin

May 6, 11:30 pm, I went to the GSoC website, hit the refresh button and
searched my name under the list of selected projects. My name popped up and I
was over the moon and it took me a while to let it all soak in.

Hello everyone!

I’ve been selected as a Google Summer of Code developer for the year 2019.
Over the Summer I’ll be working with phpMyAdmin on the project ‘General
Improvements’ under my mentor Saksham
.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-10

Security fix: phpMyAdmin 4.9.0 is released

Welcome to phpMyAdmin 4.9.0, a bugfix release that includes important security fixes.

This release fixes two security vulnerabilities:

  • PMASA-2019-3 is an SQL injection flaw in the Designer feature
  • PMASA-2019-4 is a CSRF attack that's possible through the 'cookie' login form

Upgrading is highly recommended for all users. Using the 'http' auth_type instead of 'cookie' can mitigate the CSRF attack.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-06-04