
#783 (in 2.7.0) Add a class to all icons


as i have shown in
it is needed that all checkboxes in pma have their own
class defined, cause then you can access them in your

also all image-icons should have NO height="16"
parameter in it, so you can control the height in your
theme yourself (in that way, that you resize the icons
to the height you want to have - in particular: smaller
;-) )

i added a screenshot how it could look like with the


  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2005-12-08

    Logged In: YES

    I thing Sebastian did this.

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2005-12-08
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • summary: add a class to all checkboxes and icons --> (in 2.7.0) Add a class to all checkboxes and icons
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cybot_tm
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

    • priority: 1 --> 5
    • labels: --> Interface Improvements
    • status: open-fixed --> open
  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

    Logged In: YES

    no, in phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-pl1 there is still no class defined
    for the checkboxes.

    what i meant is a parameter like
    for each input type="checkbox" element

    cause then you can alter the size, color style in the theme

    there is no other possibility to access only
    checkbox-input-fields via stylesheet

    in css you can only define a style that counts for all types
    of input fields

    the same problem is for submitbuttons and radiobuttons
    they should have the class defined too

  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

    • summary: (in 2.7.0) Add a class to all checkboxes and icons --> (in 2.7.0 where?) Add a class to all checkboxes and icons
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2005-12-13
    • summary: (in 2.7.0 where?) Add a class to all checkboxes and icons --> (in 2.7.0) Add a class to all icons
    • assigned_to: cybot_tm --> nobody
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2005-12-13

    Logged In: YES

    Class should be by all icons, for inputs, you can use:

    input[type="checkbox"] {
    any style you want

  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    nijel: i agree!

  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2005-12-13
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

    Logged In: YES

    sorry to re-open the topic, but i still don`t agree.

    the style

    input[type="checkbox"] {
    any style you want

    works in mozilla, but doesent work in IE6

    any solution?

  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

    • priority: 1 --> 5
    • status: closed-fixed --> open
  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    it works in Gecko based Browsers and most other Browsers, IE
    is more than 4 years old ...!

    ... if you really need this use javascript who cann add a
    class at runtime.

  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

    Logged In: YES

    ie6 is not simply 4 years old - it is updated a lot like the
    other browsers too, they just dont give it a new version
    number every time.

    but if you don`t want to support all browsers anymore, it is
    ok, i use mozilla anyway cause i don`t like Microsoft,
    trying to take over the internet ;)

  • Sebastian Mendel

    Logged In: YES

    it is not that we don't want to support all browsers, it's
    just that this task is too complex compared to the benefits
    we get! especially as you can see IE 7 in the near future.

    And it would be nearly a proprietary feature as it is only
    usefull for IE!

    IE6 IS 4 years old - if you rely on the features and
    standards supported ... oh ... if rely on the standards
    supported he is more than 6 years old ... ;-)

  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

    • status: open --> closed
  • Ruben Barkow-Kuder

    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2013-06-11
    • Status: closed --> fixed