
#3783 PHP 5.2 incompabilities

JT Graveaud

looks like the latest release has some code typo:
When you select a database (on the left menu) and see the whole list of tables, click on the "Structure" link of one of the tables and I get this error message (in php_error.log)
[24-Jan-2013 07:43:01] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /web/ on line 5412
[24-Jan-2013 07:43:01] PHP Stack trace:
[24-Jan-2013 07:43:01] PHP 1. {main}() /web/

This error appears because an incorrect syntax:
which I replaced by

look for the 3 or 4 other similar call issues by the following command at the root path:

find . -name "*.php" -exec egrep -n "\\$[0-9a-zA-Z_]*::" {} \; -print

Note: there are 3 anti slashes in the in the bash command above (but only 2 appear after submitting this ticket)



Bugs: #3792
Bugs: #3876


  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-01-24

    which PHP version are you using? From Documentation.html, "You need PHP 5.2.0 or newer, with session support, the Standard PHP Library (SPL) extension and JSON support."

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-01-24
    • assigned_to: Marc Delisle
  • JT Graveaud

    JT Graveaud - 2013-01-24

    Hi Marc,
    I'm using PHP 5.2.8


    Last edit: JT Graveaud 2013-01-25
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-01-25

    I cannot reproduce this problem (but I'm testing in PHP 5.4). Does it happen for all your databases? Are you using phpMyAdmin 4.0.0-alpha1?


    Last edit: Marc Delisle 2013-01-25
  • JT Graveaud

    JT Graveaud - 2013-01-25

    Yes, this happens for all databases. I'm using 4.0.0-alpha1

    Your issue comes from a subtlety that has changed in PHP 5.3

    I've just tested the following code with PHP Version 5.3.2 (in the same condition as you do), this does not generate any error.

    class A {
    static function myfunct() { return "Plain"; }
    $A = new A();
    print $A::myfunct();

    However it does generate the following error on PHP Version 5.2.8.

    [25-Jan-2013 10:00:22] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /web/public/test.php on line 6

    So, as I mentionned in my first post, you can replace the :: by -> (if you want to keep the minimal version of PMA as PHP 5.2)

    I've found less than 10 occurrences in the whole code, which is acceptable I think to replace in order to keep PHP 5.2 as minimal.


  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-01-25

    Thanks for the explanation. I'll make the changes, but how do you make your search, to find these 10 occurences?

  • JT Graveaud

    JT Graveaud - 2013-01-25

    You're welcome Marc ;-)

    here is the command I used to find out:

    find . -name "*.php" -exec egrep -n "\\$[0-9a-zA-Z_]*::" {} \; -print

    This command searches all PHP variables (ie, string starting by $) and followed by ::

    as noted in my original email, please not there are 3 backslashes in front of the dollar sign (the sourceforge Form analyzer strips one backslash out when I submit the post.

    To be accurate, there are 6 variables to fix to be accurate:

    338: . $this::texEscape(stripslashes($columns[$i])) . '}} & ';
    381: $column_value = $this::texEscape(
    613: $local_buffer = $this::texEscape($local_buffer);

    3873: && ! strpos($transformation_plugin::getName(), 'Link') === true
    5412: && strpos($transformation_plugin::getMIMESubtype(), 'Octetstream')

    150: return $class_name::getInfo();



  • Dieter Adriaenssens

    the $this::texEscape should become self::texEscape
    texEscape should be made nonstatic and :: replaced by ->

    the transformation_plugins should work with replacing :: by ->


    Last edit: Dieter Adriaenssens 2013-01-25
  • Dieter Adriaenssens

    Basically, it is never a good idea to mix :: (which is associated with calling static methods from a non instanciated class) with instances, or -> (which is for accessing methods and properties for class instances) with a non-instanciated class. (even if PHP allows it from 5.3)

    In case of the $transformation_plugins it is hard to do it correct, unless that part is refactored.

  • Dieter Adriaenssens

    fixed (texEscape) in
    commit 688642560d0c07d46cb7121e759eccda7cabbb70 (

    and ($transformation_plugins) in
    commit d53f984a71225700036bcb6108e01ae60dc0c456 (

    JT : could you pull latest git, or apply these commits to your setup and test with PHP 5.2.*?

    BTW :

    150: return $class_name::getInfo();
    is correct, because $class_name contains the name of a class, not an instance

  • Dieter Adriaenssens

    • status: open --> pending-fixed
    • assigned_to: Marc Delisle --> Dieter Adriaenssens
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-01-26

    @JT: thanks, I had missed the search command in your initial post

    @Dieter: I installed PHP 5.2. With
    150: return $class_name::getInfo();
    I cannot list a table's structure, so I fixed this with


    Last edit: Marc Delisle 2013-01-27
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-01-26
    • summary: Syntax error in some modules : unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM --> PHP 5.2 incompabilities
  • JT Graveaud

    JT Graveaud - 2013-01-27

    We're all good ;-) the modifications suggested (in the 3 files you both already committed) fixed the issue on my side. Perfect !

    Thanks guys.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-01-27

    thanks for confirming, but there is a doubt about one of the commits, see The demo server runs PHP 5.4.4 + fastcgi.

  • JT Graveaud

    JT Graveaud - 2013-01-27

    Marc, I've just done more specific tests, and I confirm there is a mutual conflict between the 2 tickets (ticket 3792 and the fix for ticket 3783).

    I get the error (in my personal test when I use '->' on a static method):
    Fatal error: Call to a member function myfunct2() on a non-object

    I'm going to have a look on how to solve this issue on both PHP release 5.2.8 & 5.3 I have and if I find something before you do, I'll let you know of course.

  • JT Graveaud

    JT Graveaud - 2013-01-27

    Marc, Dieter,
    Looks like if you decide to keep 5.2 as minimal PHP release, the main & quick (but really not clean) option is

    switch ($class_name) {
    case 'Application_Octetstream_Download': $ret=Application_Octetstream_Download::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Application_Octetstream_Hex': $ret=Application_Octetstream_Hex::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Image_JPEG_Inline': $ret=Image_JPEG_Inline::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Image_JPEG_Link': $ret=Image_JPEG_Link::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Image_PNG_Inline': $ret=Image_PNG_Inline::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_Append': $ret=Text_Plain_Append::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_Dateformat': $ret=Text_Plain_Dateformat::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_External': $ret=Text_Plain_External::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_Formatted': $ret=Text_Plain_Formatted::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_Imagelink': $ret=Text_Plain_Imagelink::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_Link': $ret=Text_Plain_Link::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_Longtoipv4': $ret=Text_Plain_Longtoipv4::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_Sql': $ret=Text_Plain_Sql::getInfo(); break;
    case 'Text_Plain_Substring': $ret=Text_Plain_Substring::getInfo(); break;
    return $ret;

    A more generic option (but still not clean at all option) would be to make this piece of "switch" code into a cached file, and therefore do something like:

    if (!file_exists("CallStatic_getInfo.php")) {
    // create here dynamically the switch block suggested above in CallStatic_getInfo.php
    // based on files listed in libraries/plugins/transformations/*.class.php

    include "CallStatic_getInfo.php";
    return $ret;

    unfortunately none of those 2 options are nice but they keep 5.2 in the loop, otherwise PHP 5.3 is your minimum. Hopefully somebody else will have a better idea.



    PS: Note: I've tested all sort of other options (such as eval, etc), but none have been succefful with Both release (5.2.8 & 5.3)


    Last edit: JT Graveaud 2013-01-27
  • Dieter Adriaenssens

    This patch should fix it (pull request :

    It works in PHP 5.3.x and should as well in PHP 5.2.x
    Can you test, Marc, Michal, JT?


    Last edit: Dieter Adriaenssens 2013-01-27
  • JT Graveaud

    JT Graveaud - 2013-01-27

    perfect, much better solution.
    The following code works for me on both platform

    // include and instantiate the class
    include_once 'libraries/plugins/transformations/' . $file;
    $class = new $class_name;
    return $class->getInfo();


  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-01-27

    Dieter's patch merged, thanks.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-02-10
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • NewEraCracker

    NewEraCracker - 2013-04-13

    with 4.0.0-rc1

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM, expecting ',' or ';' in C:\server\www\phpMyAdmin\libraries\display_import.lib.php on line 171

    the line is:
    echo $_SESSION[$SESSION_KEY]["handler"]::getIdKey();

    Reported here:


    Last edit: NewEraCracker 2013-04-13
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2013-06-11
    • Status: closed-fixed --> fixed