
PHPLiveX / News: Recent posts

PHPLiveX 2.6 Released

This release brings many new features, bug fixes, performance & security optimizations. Many changes were done, according to the user feedbacks taken during about 1.5 years since previous version. The most important features of this release are Ajax File Upload feature and Ajax History Plugin. Here's the list of all new features:

- New Features

* Ajax History Upload beta
* Ajax File Upload

* All JS operations are now handled by a single PLX object easierly
* New parameters added: id, caching, history, timeout, onTimeout, onPreload
* New methods added: LoadJS, LoadCSS, AjaxifyUpload
* File uploads can now be used with ajax form submission
* Added Stop method to stop functions repeatedly called in a defined time interval
* Added AjaxifyClasses and AjaxifyClassMethods methods
* Class variables can now be ajaxified... read more

Posted by ardabeyaz 2010-02-06

PHPLiveX 2.5.1 Released

This release fixes some bugs that people encounter and inform me. In addition, a useful and flexible feature is available.

Version Notes:

* Now the select boxes can be used as "target" dom element for the response. For example, it may be used when listing towns after a choice in city in dropdown menus. See this example to learn!
* Fixed bug occured when using "=" and "%" characters.
* Fixed bug occured when ajaxifying more than one classes.
* Fixed bug occured when ajaxifying classes having any public variable which has not been assigned a value.
* Now the "params" option may be used with "SubmitForm" method.

Posted by ardabeyaz 2008-09-27

PHPLiveX 2.5 Released

After a long time, development of the library is started again. During this long time, the advancements on web 2.0 and ajax frameworks were carefully tracked. With bug reports and advices coming from users, these are all considered during development. Potential of the library is seriously increased with new features and optimizations whereas the usage stays simple. To satisfy deficiencies and fix the bugs, many changes are applied to structure of the library. So, it is recommended to take a look at the new documentation and examples.... read more

Posted by ardabeyaz 2008-08-03

PHPLiveX 2.4.1 Released

This version has been released because of some important errors found in version 2.4:

* The code is made XHTML compliant.
* Fixed bug occured when passing arguments including some special characters to js functions.
* By using the argument added to "run" method, only javascript functions created can be printed to page optionally. When you are using nested ajax requests, it will be useful not to call the same phplivex methods again.
* "ExternalJS" can not take boolean values anymore. Instead, a file path is passed. So, the codes are printed to that file and it is included.
* With an optimization over php codes, the performance is increased.

Posted by ardabeyaz 2007-09-25

PHPLiveX 2.4 Released

This version has new features which make its usage easier and more professional so that it is possible to use ajax with more complex and professional algorithms easily. Now every type of data can be transmitted between PHP and Java Script each other as PHP-JS interaction is very important. For more effective coding with practical features of php, this version is written considering PHP 5. So, this version does not work with PHP 4.... read more

Posted by ardabeyaz 2007-09-17

PHPLiveX 2.3 Released

- Version Changes:
Version 2.3, which has more exhaustive work than the others, fixes many bugs and provides many new properties.
* Fixed bugs on arguments sent to class functions.
* Fixed bugs when sending arguments including url strings, "+" and "," characters.
* Fixed bug when giving id value of an html input element to the target value. In addition, target parameter can now take one or more values.
* A new value "asw" was added to the mode parameter. In this case, the returned value can be written before the initial value of the target dom element.
* onFinish, onUpdate, interval and myPreload parameters were added. To learn their functions, please see the documentation.
* The processes gained speed by decreasing the javascript code printed to the page.
* All functions in the page can be registered to phplivex with a new simple way.
* Visibility attribute of the dom element used during preloading was changed to display.
* Fixed bugs about character encodings.... read more

Posted by ardabeyaz 2007-06-23

PHPLiveX 2.2 released!

The release focus of PHPLiveX version 2.2 is major bug fixes in javascript code and code cleanup.
In addition, a new simple property was added:
* To alert values which php functions return, now there is no need to run syncronously.
If "target=alert" parameter is used, the returned value is alerted and this process runs asyncronously.

Who use version 2.1 are strongly advised to use this version.

Posted by ardabeyaz 2007-01-06

PHPLiveX 2.1 released!

The most efficient and useful version 2.0 of the library have been used in various web pages so far so that some bugs and requirements are determined that's why PHPLiveX 2.1 was released including the set of changes below:

* Fixed bug: The response text of ajax request contains "</phplivex>" text.
* Fixed bug: If the response of ajax request contains JS code, browser does not identify them as JS.
* JavaScript code was made object oriented and JS bugs were fixed.
* The http methods ("GET" and "POST") of ajax request can be chosen now.
* Class functions can be exported now. (needs PHP5)... read more

Posted by ardabeyaz 2006-12-21

PHPLiveX 2.0 released!

PHPLiveX 2.0 version has important differences from older ones. Now just register your functions for ajax and then call them. If needed, you can enter the values of properties within one last argument as in the example and documentation. Who use older versions are strongly advised to see the documentation and examples for this version. As a result, version 2.0 decreased the code needed, made the usage easier and preload property more flexible and easier to use. The home page was also changed and updated.

Posted by ardabeyaz 2006-10-28

PHPLiveX 1.5 released!

The 1.5 version of the library released with changes improving library and simplifying usage. With this version, you can call your each function with their unique preloading properties (style, text, position). All the changes are written in the readme file. The new documentation is available in the zip file and the project home page. PHPLiveX is unique with its simple usage and useful properties!

Posted by ardabeyaz 2006-10-06

PHPLiveX 1.0 released!

Version 1.0 is the first release of the PHPLiveX library. This library gives you the opportunity to execute your php functions in the same page easily without reloading. For details and documentation, visit the home page.

Posted by ardabeyaz 2006-07-27