
#8 tree menu v3.1.1 (development)


"The PHP Layers Menu System 3.1.1 (development)"
in "tikiwiki-1.8.3"

tree menu shows incorrectly top element if it only one
thus. |111 will be seen as a subelement though from
above anything is not present

it will be shown correctly


  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-06-27
    • status: open --> pending
  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-06-27

    Logged In: YES

    > |111 will be seen as a subelement

    subelement of which element?

    I have tested on both 3.1.1 and 3.1.3, for both with


    and with


    putting such structures in layersmenu-vertical-1.txt and then
    loading example-treemenu.php; everything seems OK.

    Can you attach at least a screenshot to evidence which problem
    you are hitting?

    Marco Pratesi

  • bdimych

    bdimych - 2004-07-03
    • status: pending --> open
  • bdimych

    bdimych - 2004-07-03

    Logged In: YES

    Full PHPLM from tikiwiki 1.8.3 + screenshot (archive winrar 2.9)

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-07-03

    Logged In: YES

    Please avoid unusual (platform dependent?)
    archival/compression formats.
    Please resubmit the screenshot using .tar, .gz, .bz2,
    eventually .zip

    Thank you,

    Marco Pratesi

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-07-03
    • status: open --> pending
  • bdimych

    bdimych - 2004-07-11

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry for a delay.

    rar is very popular in russia almost like zip
    unrar is free and many ...nix versions exists

  • bdimych

    bdimych - 2004-07-11
    • status: pending --> open
  • bdimych

    bdimych - 2004-07-11
  • bdimych

    bdimych - 2004-07-11

    Logged In: YES

    SF has not allowed to upload - the file was too big

  • bdimych

    bdimych - 2004-07-11

    Logged In: YES

    Now Ok

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-07-27

    Logged In: YES

    W.r.t. the .rar archiving...
    I'm not russian and many sourceforge visitors are not russian.
    Furthermore, AFAIK, no Linux distribution bundles any rar
    as an example, I use Mandrake 10.0, that does not bundle any
    rar tool,
    and Debian, that provides rar only in the non-free
    section[*], because,
    contrarily to what you have written, unrar is *not* free /
    open source
    software, it is only freeware, as it is clearly written in
    its license.
    AFAIK, also msdos/mswindows does not provide any rar tool.
    Anyway, why should I install another archiving tool only to
    an attached archive? And why should I install it on all the
    I use? BTW, to use the freeware unrar utility, in general,
    I also need
    to use a compiler; I usually compile a large amount of
    software without
    any problem, but, in general, a compiler is not needed to
    use and develop
    PHP/HTML/JavaScript packages, and the generic sourceforge
    could not even know how to install and use gcc.
    Anyway, I am inclined to spend time to study and fix bug
    not to wonder which archiving tool has been used by the bug


    W.r.t. the archive size...
    You should refer to a well-defined official release (OK, you
    have done
    just this) and then attach only what is needed to understand
    you have added / changed in the official version and what is
    to reproduce the problem.
    For the future, please, do not attach everything: also
    consider that
    I usually work on the phplm project when I am at home,
    where, thanks
    to Telecom Italia, my only Internet connection is a 56k modem...
    and I am certainly not the only one that connects to Internet
    using a 56k.

    W.r.t. the version...
    For the future, before submitting a bug report, please check
    if the problem is still reproduceable in the latest version:
    I often ignore bug reports referred to old releases.
    I understand that you have referred to the version bundled
    by tikiwiki,
    but you should check the newest phplm version anyway; I
    suppose that,
    if I fix a bug, tikiwiki developers do not release a new
    tikiwiki version
    just to fix bugs of the bundled phplm version, maybe because
    fixed bugs
    do not affect the phplm features used by tikiwiki (and this
    is the case:
    AFAIK, phplm treemenus are not used at all in tikiwiki), or
    maybe because
    they have already updated the bundled phplm in their CVS but
    the fix
    will not be available in an official version before the next
    official release, and so on.
    If the bug (i) has been fixed in phplm, and (ii) has not
    been fixed
    in tikiwiki, and (iii) *does* affect tikiwiki[*], then maybe
    you should
    report it to the tikiwiki developers, but there is no reason
    to report
    it here, as it is not so much sensed to report here an
    already fixed bug ;-)

    [*] OK, this is not the case, it is just an example.

    Marco Pratesi

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-07-27

    Logged In: YES

    This bug is fixed in version 3.2beta, released just today.

    Please check if the fix is OK for you.

    I will close this bug report soon; now I leave it open
    because, if I find time, I want to backport this fix
    on the 3.0 branch and to release a fixed 3.0.2 version
    before closing this report.

    Marco Pratesi

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-08-13

    Logged In: YES

    I have released just now version 3.0.2,
    that fixes this bug also on the current stable branch,
    hence I am finally closing this bug report.

    Marco Pratesi

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-08-13
    • status: open --> closed

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