
Error in Batch update...

  • tthdoc

    tthdoc - 2011-06-02

    I keep getting this error when doing a batch update (search and replace).  What setting do I need to change?

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in …/modules/batch_update/batch_update.php on line 406


  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2011-06-02

    Just what it says. Give batch update (and by association) PGV, more time for file execution. You must have your limits on PGV and perhaps PHP set to 60 seconds.

  • tthdoc

    tthdoc - 2011-06-02


    In Gedcom configuration, changed php time to 120, same error (just with 120 instead of 60).  Then changed it to 360.  Now I keep getting .


  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2011-06-03

    First, its unlikely you could have set it for more than 120 without modifying your PHP.INI was well. Take a look at the PHP config page and compare the Master and Local numbers. Local can not exceed master (well, it can, but it has no effect and it can confuse the program). Also, how much RAM do you have?

    Batch Update is not a perfect tool and the S&R portion is much better than the S&R option in Search, but depending on how large a DB and how many changes are necessary, it can be problematic. It is usually better to allow it to change all, rather than one at a time, as the processor speed, ram and support program versions can be more detrimental when doing them one at a time.  Even with 360 seconds and 1gb of RAM, it struggles from time to time on my big GEDCOM.  

    Note: Greg recently made some improvements on lists on webtrees that has had a very positive impact on the performance of Batch Update and S&R there as well as media lists. It is unlikely these will be applied to PGV as there is no one to do so and its part of the entire rewrite to be database-driven.

  • tthdoc

    tthdoc - 2011-06-03


    Ok, the php.ini I had in the highest directory said 300 for max_execution_time, but in PGV it was showing master as 30.  So I copied the php.ini and put it in the PGV directory, and now it shows 300 for both the local and master.  As to the computer I am currently on (at work) I have a 2.67 GHz quad core processor with 1.9 gB of ram.   Still getting the same -  Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded…   As to the GEDCOM, mine is no where close to what yours is..  I have about 2200 individuals.  *.GED file is about 1.9 Mb.  Any other suggestions?  If not, just may go to offline editor.  As to your suggestion of updating all at once, would be fine except it never gets to the point of even bringing up one entry to look at.

    Thanks again,

  • tthdoc

    tthdoc - 2011-06-03

    Forget to mention as well, I exported the database and the *.sql file is 11.3 Mb.

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2011-06-03

    What are you trying to S&R? Can you simplify the search and make it a smaller string? How many instances are you trying to change (it tries to find them and put them into memory)? 

    Do a partial search with no replacement to see if it is working at all.
    You do put in the first string, then tab to the second field and before you start entering hit the STOP or command-period (.) to stop the action, then enter the second string and tab out to start the process, do you not?

    Yes, offline is sometimes a better choice, especially using GREP for find and replace for complicated strings and multiple lines.

    Finally, what version of PHP are you using? Batch Update, S&R does not work well (or at all for me) with PHP 5.3.6.

  • tthdoc

    tthdoc - 2011-06-03


    First, as far as PHP -  version 5.2.17.  Interestingly, I went and did it again and it just flied through with no problem at all.  Go figure.  It was only about 6 instances and it was a simple text statement of 4 words.  Anyway, at least I have the max_execution issue taken care of.  Thanks for the help.



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