
Display submenu item based on gedcom file id

  • George Scott

    George Scott - 2011-04-16

    I have a test such as the following;
    // Fourth sub-menu (visible only to users with site Admin rights)
    if (PGV_USER_IS_ADMIN) {
    $submenu = new Menu("About This Data", "custom link #2");
    $submenu->addClass("submenuitem$ff", "submenuitem_hover$ff");
    I would like to test instead if I'm currently using the gedfile Scott.ged.  What is the proper if statement?

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-04-17

    The following constants might help:
    PGV_GED_ID : the currently active internal GEDCOM ID
    PGV_GEDCOM : file name of that curretnly active GEDCOM

    The following function might also help:

    Input is any valid GEDCOM number.  Output is the GEDCOM file name to match.

  • George Scott

    George Scott - 2011-04-18

    Thanks!  The following works great:
    if (PGV_GEDCOM=="HestonTest.ged"){
    $submenu = new Menu("Link to Scott GEDCOM", "");
    $submenu->addClass("submenuitem$ff", "submenuitem_hover$ff");


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