
chinese and english characters in place names

Kerry Choy
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  • Kerry Choy

    Kerry Choy - 2006-09-14

    I was setting up place names in a mixture of chinese and english a la wikipedia.

    Gaoyao ‎‎(高要市)‎‎, Zhaoqing ‎‎‎(肇庆市)‎‎‎, Guangdong ‎‎‎(广东)‎‎‎, China

    Looks great in the browser but goes to yukky in a report. I did see an earlier post from John suggesting this was unsupported currently. Any update on this?

    I could persist with my current approach and warn my users not to try and print reports. Another approach would be to make place an object and give them an attribute of romanised name - then point the reports at the romanised name. Apart from being a significant piece, I'm not sure if that aligns with the design of PGV or the GEDCOM standard. Opinions?

    • Laie Techie

      Laie Techie - 2006-09-16

      Make sure everythinh uses UTF-8.  This includes your database, reports, and edit screens.

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-02-16

    Hi ..
    Is the Chinese character being supported here .. since?
    Thank you.

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2011-02-16

    HERE ?? In the forum? See the post #1 above.
    HERE?? In PGV?  Yes, but you must use the proper collation on your database, UTF-8. See post #2 above.

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-02-16

    Thanks Stephen.
    Sorry I'm not very tech savvy .. how do I know if my database is using UTF-8?
    Here is my site -  My family tree is large and currently off line with Family Tree Maker.
    Is there a way to erase clean what I've imported so far?  (It looks messy currently when I tried to upload directly from FTW .. )  I've just converted FTW into a gedcom now.
    Thank you

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2011-02-16

    Sorry, but this is probably not the place for a complete computer tutorial on configuration of your MySQL database.

    For a quick reply, use PhpMyAdmin (or your ISP's Control Panel utility) to determine what collation your DB uses. If you can, create a new DB and use the UTF-8 collation when creating it. Then be sure to read the PGV wiki and setup your installation to use the same configuration. Yes, you can then do a fresh installation and reimport your GEDCOM.  Further, I'm not able to help you with as it can be quite complicated and you may need some expert, in-home advice or an ISP that is pre-configured to support UTF-8 and PGV or other genealogy programs.  I would say that you are already using database-based programs (WP or Joomla) and already have the ability to check collation since you are using chinese characters.

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-02-17

    Thanks Stephen
    One question: older Chinese tend to have many names (courtesy name, style, posthumous title …) .. will there be enough 'fields' or 'cells' to list them individually?  Or each user can add additional field?
    Thank you.

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-02-17

    Also .. I noticed on my IP provider,, they still have 4.2.3 version.

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2011-02-17

    As to names, you may add additional 1 NAME notations - as many as you like - to each person, or you can add other notes via the AKA, NICK and perhaps other fields. PGV will handle them all, but the data may not move well to all other genealogy programs (webtrees will import it just fine).

    I would NOT load any genealogy data into a PGV 4.2.3 installation. A significant security hack has been identified and it could expose your private data - AND - it is now well publicized and there are attacks on my installations every day, testing for vulnerability. Please do NOT import your data into a PGV 4.2.3 setup.  Dreamhost is derelict in not updating.

  • macalter

    macalter - 2011-02-17

    I'm with Dreamhost too but have never used their download. I use PGV's link. Drop support a note and they'll update. They don't always get to the one-step installs.

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-02-17

    For ease in applying necessary patches to version 4.2.4, they should be upgrading to the SVN version.

    A number of patches and corrections have been released individually to the released version of PGV (4.2.4) that add up to, at this stage, the version that's in SVN. 

    There's nothing in SVN that can't be built from 4.2.4 plus ALL available patches (found in the Bugs tracker).

    Stephen Arnold (obigkid) has posted a link to the nightly Tarball that's built from that evening's copy of SVN.   You'll find this in one of the recent Help forum posts.

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-02-17

    Thank you all.
    1. PGV is for people like me who knows next to nothing about programming _ .. or sophisticated users ..?
    2. How can I get ride of my pix here?  Don't know how it finds this site, seemed it just uploaded itself.
    3. Macalter: do you know if DreamHost uses UTF-8?  A default setting or need some manual changes?
    4. Can you pls kindly provide the PGV's link for downloading? 
    Thank you

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-02-18

    The link to download the latest-and-greatest SVN version of PGV is:

    You'll need 7-zip to unpack this file.  That will create a ZIP file that you'll have to unpack with 7-zip or some other decompression utility.

    You can find a download link for 7zip here:

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-02-18

    I was actually wrong about what you download with the first link:

    You download a 16 Mb file called phpgedview-phpGedView.tar.gz

    After you expand this with 7-zip, you end up with a 52 Mb file called phpgedview-phpGedView.tar

    When you expand this latter file (use 7-zip again), you end up with the current SVN version of PhpGedView.  You can strip out the modules and themes you're not using to reduce the size of what you're installing on the server.  You can strip out unused (actually "unsupported by your site") language files too.

  • macalter

    macalter - 2011-02-18

    If you use the One-Step Easy install from Dreamhost you cannot specify as the files do not reside within your domain. If you do Advanced, you can set it to UTF-8. Do not make the mistake I did and miss setting it. (Corrected when I had to start over for other reasons)

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-02-18

    I have noticed just one inconvenience with using the SVN download described above. 

    The problem is that there is no SVN versioning information in the downloaded files.  This doesn't affect the usability of what you've downloaded, but it will make identification of the exact version of each file quite difficult. 

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-03-21

    Please read some of the other posts, as well as messages in this one.  A summary of the procedure is contained in the recent Help topic that begins with Repost:

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-03-24

    Can you pls kindly provide the url of Repost?  Thanks

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-03-24

    Look harder! It's right near the top of the Help forum topics!

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-04-01

    Hi ..
    I installed the 4.2.3 fm Dreamhost at

    1. Is there a way I can update to 4.2.4 from my site?  I asked DH few times to update but they haven't

    2. For name: Where can I add an additional (see pic) boxes/fields for those permanent fields, like
    - Style;
    - An Assumed name;
    - Alternative Name;
    - Posthumous Name/Title; etc. and can I add Chinese to those labels/headers whichever you called .. since large part of the tribe are non-English speakers?

    3. I imported data fm Family Tree Maker.  I used its field: This person is also known as (aka) which I used it for Chinese name but I don’t find this field after importing ..

    4.  Why there are fields/columns like ‘Name in Hebrew’?  Can user redefine/rename (in my case, add Chinese characters) in  those fields? 

    I see there are 3 Adds at the bottom (new source, new note and new shared note)

    Thank you in advance

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-04-01

    My tree’s current name is Irene Eng’s Family Tree. Can I change or add, like Chinese characters ?  How ?
    Thank you.

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-04-01

    Yes, you can.  Access the Manage GEDCOMs page from the Admin menu, and then edit the GEDCOM configuration.  Put whatever you want into the Title field.

    About Dreamhost:
    Tell them that there is a serious security problem with 4.2.3 that is fixed in 4.2.4.  However, we strongly recommend that they upgrade to the SVN version.  Download instructions are posted a little lower in this Help forum.  The title of this Help forum post begins with "Repost".

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-04-02

    Just because the field is called "Name in Hebrew" doesn't mean that you're restricted to that.  You can put anything you like in there.  Likewise for the "Romanized Name" field.  However, you need to be consistent in which fields you use.

    You can change the titles of the fields.  You need to add a file called "extra.en.php" and add your overriding texts into that.  I don't recommend that you do this, since there are many field titles that need to be changed and you don't have enough experience with PhpGedView and with the PHP programming language.  We're not about to launch an extensive course in PHP programming or on the internals of PhpGedView.

    You can add more names.  In fact, that's what I would recommend.  You'll find this option under "Edit" at the top right of each person's Personal Details page.  You can do this in Family Tree Maker too.  It's an option in "Add Fact".  I wouldn't use the Hebrew or Romanized name fields.

    The "AKA" field in Family Tree Maker becomes the "Alias" fact when you export from FTM.  I don't think you can export Chinese characters from Family Tree Maker into a GEDCOM for use by PhpGedView.  The character set used in this export (ANSI) doesn't support Chinese.  It doesn't even support all of the letters you find in Eastern European languages such as Polish, Hungarian, Czech, etc.

  • Irene Eng

    Irene Eng - 2011-04-02

    Thanks Canajun
    Is this the right place you're talking about? Pls see the image below.  I checked out both Edit Name & Add new Name under Edit on top right corner (see the thick red circle) but I failed to see how can I add an additional field and how to label it.  Am I thinking right here?  AND IF I were able to add an additional field/box, will this apply to everyone or I have to add for each individual?
    Thank you

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