
Ancestry Report

  • John Hawthornthwaite

    I have modified the descendancy report to create an Ancestry report.  It will show as many ancestors of the individual as you choose and show what they did for work and where they lived.  I don't know if I have breached copyrights so I have not published it on my website.  I did have a minor problem with coding which canajun2eh kindly sorted for me.

    Could someone tell me if I can put it onto my site at, does anyone want to vet it first and would anyone like to take it apart and put it together again?  I don't know what to do next.

    John H

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2010-11-29

    Post it to the PATCHES section (upload) here and we'll all have a chance to review and use it. Did you create a different title? One that does not duplicate an existing report?  If so, then simply load it in your reports folder and it will be caught by the code as available.  In the patch upload comment, be sure to describe what the report professes to be and do, and the specific differences to the previously similar report.

  • John Hawthornthwaite

    Thanks Stephen.

    I did give it a new title.  I developed it and tested it out on my desktop based PGVGedView and I did then put it onto my website, where it worked.  As I said I wasn't sure of the copyright so I took it off again.  It does have the title Ancestry Report and so doesn't conflict with the other reports, at least on my site, which is standard.

    I will do as you ask and look forward to yr comments. I have put it onto my site which is Incidentally, I am not a programmer, just an ethusiastic amateur, hence all my questions.

    Again, thanks for yr help.
    John H

  • John Hawthornthwaite

    Stephen, I had to modify the lang.en file to add some pgv_lang variables.  Should I uplaod that as well?

    sri to be a burden.
    John H

  • Thomas52

    Thomas52 - 2010-12-01

    John:  I look forward to seeing what you came up with.  Be sure to let us know when it's been posted to the "patches" section.

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2010-12-01

    Language variables should not be changed in the code, but rather in the lang.extra files.
    You may submit a list of the changes in the comments, or you can attached a lang.extra.en file for the english changes only so that others may add these to their own extra files.

    A brief look on your site, and I'm confused a bit. Ancestors are, by their very name, those that proceeded and produced us. I'm not sure that an Ancestry report is the correct title for your report. I need to think on this a bit before suggesting a more different name, although a relatives report of some sort seems more appropriate.

  • John Hawthornthwaite

    Thank you for that.

    I will revert my lang_en file back to original (which I kept) and create the lang extra file.  I put the code on the patch.
    I think it must have been very confusing with all the privates coming out..  The youngest member is my grandson and the first three generations are all  still alive.
    If you would care to log in as okbigkid and use password cobwebs you will see the report much more clearly.  The primary list is of the direct ancestors and it also shows their children, who are of course the aunts and uncles  and great aunts etc etc.

    I admit to trouble with the pdf and really don't know what to do about that but the html report looks OK.

    Again thank you for yr invaluable help.

  • Thomas52

    Thomas52 - 2010-12-01

    John: You can send an email direct by clicking on the name above the avatar, rather than posting usernames/passwords to the public forum. 
    I think the report itself might be more appropriately named "Modified Ahnentafel" or perhaps "Detailed Ahnentafel/"

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2010-12-01

    The language file in question should be named "extra.en.php".

    Actually, when the report is added to the SVN, the correct approach is to make the changes to the language files.  The "extra.en.php" file is supposed to be reserved for site-specific changes to tge language files that need to be preserved across any releases of PGV that might otherwise cause these changes to disappear.

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2010-12-01

    correct. I didn't realize we intended to add this to SVN at this time.

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2010-12-01

    I'm not sure this is going to be added to SVN just yet.  I haven't even looked at it.

    I was just pointing out that when the report is added to SVN, the language files will have to be updated.  We never distribute any "extra.xx.php" language files.

  • John Hawthornthwaite

    Hi all.  Thank you.

    I am learning something with every entry you make.  I suppose it is the ahnetafel modified, but done from the descendancy report  however it does go further than ahnetafel with its sort into generations, giving the aunts & uncles, occupations and residences etc
    To be on the safe side I will put the lang changes into the extra file and revert the lang_en file to original.  Should you decide to include it then the permanent changes can be made as apporpriate.

    Thank you all for yr help.  You are very patient.

    John H

    I sti

  • John Hawthornthwaite

    Hello all, (again!)  In my Ancestry report each footnote to a fact creates a blank line between spouses.  This happens in the descendency report  as well.  The more footnoted facts  a person has, the further away that person is from the spouse.  The same thing happens to the gap between the mother and the children.  Can someone tell me why?

    John H


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