
An error occurred during the on-the-fly user

  • Paul McGrath

    Paul McGrath - 2009-11-13

      I have installed Gallery2.3 as per instructions, using the PGV gallery2 module index.php in place of the original Gallery2.  If I logon as admin to my PGV site then I can access the Gallery.  If I logon as a normal user I get this error when accessing the Gallery.

        An error occurred during the on-the-fly user creation. Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)
            * in modules\core\classes\helpers\GalleryUserHelper_medium.class at line 143 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
            * in modules\core\classes\GalleryCoreApi.class at line 606 (GalleryUserHelper_medium::fetchUserByUserName)
            * in pgv.php at line 107 (GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserByUserName)
            * in index.php at line 39
            * in index.php at line 34
            * in D:\wamp\www\paulmcgrath\ged\module.php at line 72

    Can you please advise.

  • Paul McGrath

    Paul McGrath - 2009-11-13

    Thanks fella I'll check them out.

  • Paul McGrath

    Paul McGrath - 2009-11-14

      thank you that worked.  I replaced the index.php with the one attached to your link and also changed the auth method as per the new readme instructions attached to your link.
      I still have a little problem.  In the Gallery2 'site admin' page, 'users', 'edit a user' I tried to lock the 'guest' user to stop them from changing the password.  When I click save I got an error:

            Not Found
        The requested URL /module.php was not found on this server.

    It would appear the path to module.php changed to the root of my site:

    When it should have been

    But the user account lock worked, if I change it back then the path error occurs but the account is unlocked again.

    Any idea?

  • Paul McGrath

    Paul McGrath - 2009-11-14

    Error creating an album now!

    As a user or admin when I create an album in Gallery2 I get the same error:
    404    Not Found

    The requested URL /module.php was not found on this server.

    and the module.php is at the root of my site again……

    when it should be……


  • Greg Roach

    Greg Roach - 2009-11-14

    <<and the module.php is at the root of my site again……

    when it should be……


    This sounds like this bug:

  • Paul McGrath

    Paul McGrath - 2009-11-14

    That didn't work exactly for me.  That link said to make them:

        'embedUri' => "/dbxs/index.php?mod=gallery2",
        'g2Uri' => "/dbxs/modules/gallery2/",

    When clicking on any link in Gallery2 sent me back to the PGV home index page.

    I had to make mine (changed index.php to module.php):

        'embedUri' => "/dbxs/module.php?mod=gallery2",
        'g2Uri' => "/dbxs/modules/gallery2/",

    Anyway, it now works.  Clicking on any link in Gallery2 keeps me in Gallery2.  Thanks for your help with this.


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