
#955 Soundex Search bugs


1. Soundex search does not work on 2 ROMN names and
probably neither on 2 PHON names.

2. In DM Soundex when a name consists of more than one
word, it should be coded as if one word, such as Nowy
Targ, which should be treated as Nowytarg.
Today it seems that each word it searched separately.


  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-05-29

    Logged In: YES

    3. When the DM Soundex coding array has a zero in the 1st
    position of a group of 3 values, to be used at the begining
    of the name, this zero should be part of the calculated DM
    Soundex code.
    Today it is not included in a similar way to the -1 values
    that should not be included in the calculated DM Soundex

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-05-31

    Logged In: YES

    point 3 is corrected

  • John Finlay

    John Finlay - 2006-06-01
    • assigned_to: nobody --> yalnifj
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • John Finlay

    John Finlay - 2006-06-01

    Logged In: YES

    #1 should be fixed with the new soundex code in the SVN as
    the soundex is calculated for every name both in the
    individuals and the names table.

    #2 I think it should calculate each name seperately. For
    example if we take the name Joseph John Finlay. I would
    expect to find him by searching on any of the following
    Joseph Finlay
    John Finlay
    John Joseph Finlay
    Juhn Jusoph Finley

    If we combined the names together we wouldn't be able to
    search for the names in reverse order.


  • Patrik Hansson

    Patrik Hansson - 2006-06-15

    Logged In: YES

    Dear user,

    Can you please test the provided solution and let us know if
    solved your issue? We can then either continue working on
    bug or close it.

    With kind regards,

    The PGV Team

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-06-15

    Logged In: YES

    2. will verify each name separately and all the name words
    together so that for instance for Roche Lea both Rocke, Lea
    and Rochelea will catch the name.

    The solution did write into the database only one GM-code.

    I have sent John offline comments and testdata for the after
    4.0 development.

    Will test it as soon as it is ready for testing.

  • KosherJava

    KosherJava - 2006-06-22

    Logged In: YES

    any update?

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-06-23

    Logged In: YES

    I sent the following to John on June 18 before I knew the
    students finished their semester (I have adjusted the note a


    A few issues that I have seen so far on my 4.1 Future site

    1. I think that we should save any DM or Basic Russell code
    only once in the soundex DB table and in the search name code.

    I see now for Jankeloff I118 the following DM codes

    It is not clear to me why we also see two identical Basic codes.

    2. How do you know which soundex codes relate to which
    individual names?

    3. I search on Andrej on the Soundex.ged file
    In 4.0 two Latin and 2 Hebrew names are returned
    In 4.1 only the Hebrew names are returned.

    4. I search on Zizilnitzky only on the Soundex.ged.
    I receive errors with index 1, 2 or 3
    ERROR 8: Undefined index: 1
    0 Error occurred on in function soundexsearch
    1 called from line 949 of file search_ctrl.php in function
    2 called from line 308 of file search_ctrl.php in function init
    3 called from line 2035 of file search_ctrl.php in function
    4 called from line 28 of file search.php

    I have on my 4.1 code site also the TT A.ged file.
    The 4.1 shows me also all the individuals from TT A.ged
    whose name has a DM soundex code of 448645.
    The 4.1 shows me also all the individuals from Soundex.ged
    whose ID is the same as the ID of the 448645 individuals
    from TT A.ged.
    Their name is shown as (unknown) (unknown) although this is
    not their name.
    The shown birth and death data of these Soundex.ged
    individuals is that of the parallel TT A.ged individuals.
    4.0 returns only I1, I4 and I8.

    5. I search on Szczuczyn
    Receive error messages
    ERROR 8: Undefined index: 1
    0 Error occurred on in function soundexsearch
    1 called from line 949 of file search_ctrl.php in function
    2 called from line 308 of file search_ctrl.php in function init
    3 called from line 2035 of file search_ctrl.php in function
    4 called from line 28 of file search.php

    4.0 returns also I9173, I5004 and Hebrew I4717. These are
    not returned in 4.1.

    6. I search for Jankeloff

    I am shown 2 correct Soundex.ged individuals with code 165870.
    I am also shown the same Ids from TT A.ged

    In 4.0 code I am also shown individuals with code 658000.
    4.1 code does not return them.

    7. Search on Джеймс returns nothing in 4.1.
    In 4.0 I see I4864.
    The code of the name should be 344640.
    This individual has this code in the soundex table.

    I have not yet looked at the Places.


  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-06-23

    Logged In: YES

    I have posted the DM Soundex improvement request in RFE 1511090.

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-06-23

    Logged In: YES

    8. When I search on my test site English page for a place
    only I see

    SELECT i.i_id, i.i_file, i.i_name FROM pgv_places JOIN
    pgv_placelinks ON p_id = pl_p_id JOIN pgv_individuals as i
    ON pl_gid = i_id WHERE p_file = 10 AND (p_dm_soundex =
    '664600' )

    This should be commented out.

    8. The query does return all the individuals with the same
    ID as the person in our selected gedcom file that has a
    soundex match. Also i_file should be added to the query.
    This problem exists both for name and for place DM Soundex

    9. When I search for Latin or Hebrew first name only,
    nothing is returned.

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-06-23

    Logged In: YES

    seems there are two number 8s.

    10. With the many additional search results from other
    gedcom files it is a little hard to tell, but it seems to me
    that the results are no longer sorted.
    The results should be sorted (at least in most cases and as
    a default, if this will be optional) by the given name.

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-06-24

    Logged In: YES

    In the places table I see only one DM code value and there
    are cases where it is not the correct one.

    Some samples:

    Kauhava - DM code should give 557000, we see 500000.
    Seems that the soundex algorithm returns 500000, 550000 and
    570000 instead of the correct value 557000.

    We agreed that names that contain two words would be coded
    so that each word is done separately and they are coded
    Here we see only the combined code.
    Karlovy Vary - DM code should give 598700, 790000 and
    598779, we see 598779. Same for the Basic codes - we see
    only K641, should also have V600.

    Sosnowiec - should give 446750, 446740, 446500 and 446400,
    we have only 446400 in the table.
    Seems that the Soundex algorithm returns only 446400.

    Vyborg should return 779400 and 779500. We see only 779400.

    Wyszogrod should return 744930 and 745930. We have only
    744930 in the table.

    Kajaani, should return 516000, we have 560000.
    Seems a soundex algorithm problem.

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-08-07

    Logged In: YES

    11. It would ease testing if the debug texts would print
    when DEBUG=1 is added to the URL.

    I do not know how to do this.

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-08-11
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-08-14

    Logged In: YES

    Points 4. 5. and 8. are corrected.

    The 4.1 Soundex Search results are still off and require

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-11-28

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    When can we test the Soundex corrections?

    I see that some issues are already solved.
    For instance I no longer see results of other, not selected Gedcoms,point 6.

    8. I no longer see the error.
    But when I search for place Helsinki without filling anything in Surname, I am returned 3 Hebrew names that do not have any place.

    and so on

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2006-12-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Much better!

    How should I see the Soundex codes of the names/places that I fill when I debug? Adding &DEBUG=1 seems not yet to work.

    What is the status of the Soundex RFE?

    1. When I search on a name AND place or a place AND year etc., I expect to see in the result only data that fulfills all the search criteria. This does not seem to work.

    2. When I search for place Karlovi I do not see records with place Karlovy Vary.
    We agreed that we would search each word separately and the words combined together.
    I see still only codes in the table for the combined text.

    3. My active Gedcom is Soundex and I search on it and on the big Gedcom file.
    I imported today both these files.
    I fill Helsinki in the place – nothing is returned!!
    Helsinki, Finland returns neither anything.
    When the active Gedcom is the big file, lots of records are returned for Helsinki.

    4. Searching onמליצה does not return Meliza. מליסה and Meliza return both the Hebrew and the Latin names???

    5. I search on Andrej on the Soundex.ged file In 4.0 two Latin and 2 Hebrew names are returned In 4.1 only the Hebrew names are returned.
    6. Soundex file search on surname Джеймс should return I4864. It is not returned. The soundex code of the name exists in the table.
    In 4.0 I see I4864.
    The code of the name should be 344640.

  • KosherJava

    KosherJava - 2007-03-08

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    There have been some soundex fixes recently. Is this fixed now?

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2007-03-08

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    2. We agreed that we should be able to find the place or name by combined names or by just one of the names.

    The combined name seems to work, but not one name of the combination.

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2007-06-25

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    We are almost there

    2. 3. on place does not yet work.

    11. debugging?

    RFE 1511090

  • Greg Roach

    Greg Roach - 2008-11-17
    • milestone: --> v3.3.8
  • Greg Roach

    Greg Roach - 2008-12-03
    • status: open-fixed --> pending-fixed
  • Greg Roach

    Greg Roach - 2008-12-03

    I've just rewritten the soundex search function. Provided the underlying soundex() and DMSoundex() functions work, the output should work.

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 100 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).


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