
phpCMS Content Management System / News: Recent posts

Content Management System phpCMS 1.2.2 released

June 19th, 2006. - The phpCMS team announces the release of the OpenSource Content Management System phpCMS 1.2.2.

This release fixes a remote command execution vulnerability which can be found in all phpCMS versions since 1.2.0. Therefore it is strongly recommended to all users of phpCMS, to update their installation to phpCMS 1.2.2. In addition this version contains a number of new features and bugfixes.... read more

Posted by Susanne Vitzthum 2006-06-20

Content Management System phpCMS 1.2.1pl2 released

phpCMS, an OpenSource CMS (Content Management System), is now available in version 1.2.1pl2 and can be downloaded from the project's web site.

The version 1.2.1pl2 fixes a recently discovered vulnerability and therefore it is highly recommended for users of existing phpCMS 1.2.x versions to update to phpCMS 1.2.1pl2.

phpCMS differs from other systems as it does not require a database. It is intended for the whole range from small to even complex web projects and allows for the integration of many freely available applications of the user's choice like forums, photo galleries, news feeds, form mailers, etc.
It is placed under the GPL license and can be used for private and commercial web sites without paying any charges. ... read more

Posted by Thilo Wagner 2005-06-01

Release of phpCMS version 1.2.1

phpCMS, an OpenSource CMS (Content Management System), is now available in version 1.2.1 and can be downloaded from the project's web site. The installation package of the new version includes a fully pre-configured demo project in English language, to simplify installation for the international user community, in addition to the German demo. This is the second step of the development team in the pursuit of its policy to become more international and provide better support for non-German speaking users too. As a first step, the team had recently changed the primary language of its web site and the support forums to English. Other changes in the new version consist of improvements for the user interface, the configuration possibilities of menues, and some bug fixes.... read more

Posted by Bernhard Grün 2004-11-24

Content Management System phpCMS 1.2.0 final released

August 16th, 2004. After the last release-candidate of the Open Source Content Management System phpCMS 1.2.0 has been successfully tested for several months in productive environments on several hundred websites, the phpCMS team today released the final version of phpCMS 1.2.0. In difference to the previous version 1.1.9 all modules have been revised while maintaining the highest possible backward compatibility. The main emphasis of the development was put on stability and usability... read more

Posted by Bernhard Grün 2004-08-16

phpCMS 1.2.0 rc1 released

The content management sytem phpCMS 1.2.0 Release Candidate 1 is available for download now.
New features have not been added since the beta 2 release, but a number of bugs have been eliminated. If tests of this release candidate do not emerge further serious bugs, the final version of phpCMS 1.2.0 will be mostly identical to this version.
We encourage all users of previous phpCMS versions and new users to install and test this release candidate.

Posted by Thilo Wagner 2003-10-08

phpCMS 1.2.0 Beta2 released

The content management system phpCMS 1.2.0 Beta2 is immediately available for download. phpCMS 1.2.0 Beta2 is a stable beta version whose use - after successful test installation - is recommended. With this release, phpCMS 1.2.0 is now close to completion.

phpCMS 1.2.0 Beta2 sets itself apart from version 1.1.9 by over a hundred bug fixes, face lifts, overall improvements, and new features, most notably: a new file manager, debug tool, and improved full text search engine. ... read more

Posted by Thilo Wagner 2003-06-15

phpCMS - we decided to set the version to 1.2.0

The phpCMS Group announces its renaming of the current phpCMS Beta release to phpCMS 1.2.0 (instead of 1.1.10 as posted originally). This was done to better reflect the many changes and substantial improvements that were introduced to phpCMS during the recent, 6 month long development cycle.

Posted by Bernhard Grün 2003-05-02

Feature Freeze for 1.1.10

The phpCMS-Group has initiated the feature freeze for version 1.1.10. Soon we will start with the public beta test.
But first we have to fix the last bugs and test the new version on our servers.
The new version has many new features:
- advanced search engine
- advanced sitemap
- optimized GUI
- Mail2Crypt (protects against spam)
- P3P support
- and much more
For a more detailed list of changes read our CHANGELOG with WebCVS.

Posted by Bernhard Grün 2003-03-08

Just released version 1.1.9

You can always download the newest version of phpCMS from .
There is also a Bugfix available.

Posted by Bernhard Grün 2002-10-23